
Trillith are a race of dream-spawned monsters who lack bodies of their own. Every trillith has a visual appearance that is unique to it, based on its nature. The trillith’s stats and abilities match this form, but normally a trillith is incorporeal, so it cannot easily affect the material world. However, a trillith can create a body for itself if it has appropriate material, and some magic can turn a trillith corporeal.   When viewed through true seeing , a trillith is revealed to be something like a wispy, sinuous dragon with no wings. However, a trillith normally appears as some sort of monstrous creature, though it can disguise itself in a humanoid form. Each trillith only has a single monstrous and a single humanoid form. In all its forms, a trillith’s appearance is still determined by its nature, so a trillith that normally takes the form of a flaming stag would look fiery in its draconic true form, and its humanoid form might be a mighty orc with antlers, dressed in red furs.  


Trillith are aberrations that possess the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
  • Telepathy: Trillith can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 ft. that has a language. While corporeal the creature seems to actually speak the words that it sends.
  • Incorporeal: Trillith are naturally incorporeal. A trillith can use its Embody ability to create a corporeal form for itself. Likewise, certain magic can cause a trillith to lose its incorporeality.
  • Project Image (Su): At will a trillith that is incorporeal can assume the appearance of a medium or small humanoid. Each trillith has only a single such form. Most trillith prefer to keep their natural form unless they need to conceal their identities or want to avoid disturbing people.
  • Embody (Su): As a full round action, an incorporeal trillith can create a corporeal form for itself by entering an object (or group of objects) of roughly the same size and shape of its natural form. The trillith still looks like itself, though its composition remains that of the matter used to create its body. For instance, Deception’s natural form is that of a dark, oily humanoid with tentacles for arms and legs. If it was incorporeal it could attempt to embody itself by entering a large pile of oily rags, a mass of dead eels, or a vast pool of soiled blood. It would take the outward shape of a humanoid with tentacles for arms and legs, but this shape would be composed of oily rags, dead eels, or blood, depending on what Deception chose to use. While embodied, the trillith loses the incorporeal subtype, and loses its fly speed unless the new body can fly with its limbs. It uses its normal listed AC, not its incorporeal AC. A trillith can leave this body as a standard action. Any damage dealt to the embodied form affects the trillith normally, and stays with it even once it returns to incorporeality. If a trillith is affected by the fey Song of Forms (see below), it spontaneously embodies, not requiring any object to enter. The effect of being forced into a body is the same as using its embody ability, except that it cannot willingly exit its body.
  • Endow (Su): As a full round action, a trillith that is incorporeal can grant its power to any living creature within 30 ft. When it does so, the trillith vanishes, effectively absorbed by the creature. At will, or when the creature dies, the trillith reappears within 30 ft. of the creature, unharmed by the ordeal. Each trillith has a description of what powers it grants to creatures that it endows. A trillith that is endowing a creature can be targeted and affected by mind-affecting effects, and can be driven out with remove curse, break enchantment , or a similar effect. However, the trillith itself cannot be harmed while endowing a creature, except by mind-affecting effects.
  • Grant Boon (Su). A trillith with a Charisma score of 13 or higher can lend its power to several creatures at once without actually entering their bodies. To do so it must touch each creature. The trillith gains a negative level, and the creature gains the same powers as if the trillith had endowed it. The trillith can revoke this boon at any time, removing the negative level. A trillith cannot grant a boon to another trillith. The number of creatures a trillith can grant a boon to is detailed in its entry.
  • Rejuvenation: As trillith are creatures of dream and not of flesh, it is hard to kill them. While incorporeal or while embodied, if a trillith is destroyed it does not die, but instead reforms 1d6 days later. A trillith can only be truly slain two ways. If its body dies while it is trapped by the Song of Forms, the trillith dies, and its corpse remains even after the Song of Forms ends. When a trillith is slain this way, if it had a Charisma score of 15 or higher its essence is absorbed by nearby creatures. These creatures gain the effects as if the trillith had endowed them. Only intelligent creatures within 150 ft. are affected, and the closest are affected first, to a maximum equal to the number of creatures the trillith could grant its boon to. Alternately, if a trillith is destroyed and all the damage is caused by mind-affecting or negative energy effects, the trillith’s spirit is obliterated. In this case, no creature gains the benefits of the trillith’s boon.
  • Trillith do not sleep, and unless they are trapped in a physical form they do not need to eat or breathe.
  • Trillith are immune to sleep effects.
  • Special: The nature of a given trillith can change over time, and if a trillith’s personality alters significantly, it may change its powers and appearance, as well as its name. Such a change is very rare, and seldom happens more than once in a given trillith’s life.


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