Vow of Healing - General

You have pledged yourself to heal all those in need, friend or foe. For this sacrifice, you are blessed with greater healing power.   Prerequisite: Heal 4 ranks, ability to cast cure spells or otherwise magically heal.   Benefit: Once per level per day, as a free action you can release a 10-ft. radius emanation of positive energy. Every living creature in the area immediately heals 1 point of damage, while undead creatures take 1 point of damage. Additionally, you gain one bonus spell slot of your highest spell level, which can only be used for a spell of the healing subschool.   You cannot refuse to heal any injured living creature who asks you for healing, though you are not obligated to provide more than 1 point of healing, and you are not required to heal enemies unless they surrender and you are reasonably sure they cannot betray you. You cannot perform a coup de grace on a living creature, nor can you target damage against a dying living foe (you may deal damage to them with area attacks, though you must make a best effort to avoid doing so). If you violate this oath, you lose the benefit of this feat for 24 hours. Repeated or flagrant transgressions can result in permanent loss of this benefit until you receive an atonement spell.


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