Wayfarers Theater

The theater ship – an ornate galleon adorned with whipping banners atop its masts and a swirling red and gold paint job on its hull – has been sitting in Seaquen’s harbor for nearly a month, having sailed here once word spread of the Scourge. Though the entire ship can teleport, the wayfarers knew enough not to risk it, and have disabled that function for safety’s sake. The interior of the ship is far larger than its exterior would indicate, and belowdecks is a small theater that seats one hundred, where the Wayfarer Cirque is hosting auditions and practicing a new play.   The theater is lit by dozens of lanterns when performances, and lenses over the stage can focus spotlights on a curtain stitched with patterns. Ushers costumed as monsters and angels guide people to their seats, offering to magically dry guests’ clothes.    A character who uses detect magic or something similar sees that the walls are awash in various subtle magics that are as much a part of the ship as the cracks in its wood grain. The deck hatch that would normally lead into the ship’s hold is the opening to a custom-designed magnificent mansion. This extradimensional space is where the theater lies, and it contains numerous unseen pathways that only the wayfarers know of. As vast as the visible space is, there is even more that lies unseen and inaccessiblebeyond the walls. The magic has a caster level of 17, so the heroes have practically no chance of dispelling it.   Teleporting the Ship: To teleport the guildship, a character who is capable of casting teleport or using it as a spell-like ability must remain at the desk for 10 consecutive rounds. One round later, the ship and everyone on it teleports. However, the Burning Sky causes everyone onboard to take 40d6 points of fire damage, and anyone within 10 ft. of the ship takes 4d6 points of fire damage as a wave of flame bursts outward from the space the ship just occupied..


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