The opulant
The population of Avalon is higher than average in class and majority of races present are Humans and Half Elves.
This city is governed by the monarchy of King Suiguar under the Kingdom of Avalonia .
A large stone wall surrounds most of the suburban and craftsman homes on the outskirts of the 'Hub' of aristocratic and governing buildings. Sturdy towers stand with the best archers and ballista crews in the realm. The wealth and strength of the kingdom's economy in the last few hundred years has helped construct a very impressive and indestructible defense system for the inner city.
Industry & Trade
Avalon is a very important trade hub for the whole of the kingdom. The city is built around an impressive system of canals and Waterways constructed by the first few generations of builders to help move small boats inland for loading and unloading. Avalon was also one of the major locations to set sail from to the new lands of Rodor. Adventuring parties, builders, armies and nobles all used this port town to journey to the new east. The hills north of Avalon contain some of the best silver and platinum ore in the realm, making this recourse one of the largest exported directly from Avalon to the nations of the world. Silver currency you will find in Eldarvan will most likely contain some trace amount of Avalonian origin.
Infrastructure in Avalon is the some of the best in the world. The ancient sewers are kept in working order, the cobble and flagstone streets are cleaned weekly and the walls and towers are ready for any siege. A large section of old waterways are also used near the entrance of the bay to move trade inland toward the larger districts.
Natural Resources
Avalon has had good access to stone, lumber and a wide array of precious earth ores like silver and platinum which is exported all across the world.
Alternative Name(s)
The Capitol, The Cradle
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization
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