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Captain Bran Whitlock

Captain Bran Whitlock

Captain Bran Whitlock, the charismatic and grizzled owner of The Seafarer's Rest, is a beloved figure in Greyridge's bustling district of Anchor's End. A retired sailor with a lifetime of seafaring adventures etched into the weathered lines of his face, Bran exudes an air of rugged charm and boundless energy. His broad shoulders and sturdy build speak of a man who has weathered many storms, both literal and metaphorical. Bran's most striking feature is his piercing blue eyes, which seem to hold the depth and mystery of the ocean itself. His hair, once a deep brown, is now liberally streaked with silver, matching the well-kept beard that frames his jovial face. Despite the years and countless voyages, his eyes retain a youthful sparkle, especially when he recounts tales of his adventures at sea.   Always seen in a well-worn captain's coat adorned with various nautical insignia, Bran carries himself with the confidence and authority befitting a man who has commanded ships and crews across the Valorian Sea. His voice, a deep and resonant baritone, can command a room’s attention or deliver a hearty laugh that fills The Seafarer's Rest with warmth.   Bran is not just a storyteller; he is a listener, too, eager to hear the stories of those who frequent his tavern. His easygoing nature and genuine interest in others make him a confidant for many sailors and townsfolk who come to The Seafarer's Rest seeking camaraderie and advice. Known for his fairness and generosity, Bran often extends a helping hand to those in need, whether it’s offering a free meal to a down-on-their-luck sailor or organizing aid for a family in distress.   Despite his retirement from active sailing, Bran remains deeply connected to the sea. He can often be found at the docks in the early mornings, watching the ships come and go, or tending to the nautical decor that fills his tavern. The Seafarer's Rest is a reflection of his life and passions, a place where the spirit of adventure and the comfort of community converge.   In summary, Captain Bran Whitlock is a figure larger than life, embodying the spirit of the sea and the heart of Anchor's End. His tavern, The Seafarer's Rest, is more than just a place to eat and drink; it is a haven for those who seek the warmth of a fire, the thrill of a story, and the fellowship of kindred spirits.
Current Location
Current Residence
The Seafarer's Rest
Piercing blue
Once a deep brown, is now liberally streaked with silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
195 cm
112 kg
Ruled Locations


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