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Around 1,500 residents, with 75% being old and new adventurers, 15% regular workers, and 10% merchants.  


A diverse mix of races and backgrounds, reflecting the varied origins of its adventurer inhabitants. Skilled craftsmen, shopkeepers, and merchants cater to the needs of the adventurers.


Governed by a council of respected retired adventurers known as the Council of Legends (the members feel bad about the name but the first leader (an old retired barbarian chieftain named Hrothgar Ironfist was the one who named it the Council of Legends)).

Industry & Trade

Heavily based on trade, with merchants buying treasures from adventurers and selling supplies and gear. Local craftsmen create high-quality goods, including weapons, armor, and artisanal items.

Guilds and Factions

Points of interest

The Ironwood Workshop

Oskar's Craftshop: Renowned for its exquisite woodcarvings, jewelry, and other fine items. Run by Master Craftsman Oskar Ironwood, a retired adventurer known for his intricate designs and skilled apprentices.  

The Stalwart Tankard Tavern

A bustling tavern located near the center of town, popular with both locals and visitors. Owned by Brynja Stonebrew, a retired adventurer and brewer, offering hearty meals, strong ales, and a lively atmosphere.  

The Great Hall

The central meeting place for the town, used for community gatherings, celebrations, and council meetings.  

Adventurers' Guild

The Silver Blades: A renowned guild that provides a place for adventurers to gather, share information, and find work. It offers training facilities, a quest board, and lodgings for members. The guildmaster, Thalric Ironfoot, is a veteran warrior who oversees the guild’s operations and ensures that its members uphold their honor and skills. The Silver Blades also run the fighting arena in Silkport.  

Mage's Guild

The Arcane Enclave: A respected guild that serves as a hub for mages and scholars to exchange knowledge, conduct research, and collaborate on magical projects. The Enclave offers a library, alchemical labs, and classrooms. Guildmaster Seraphina Moonshadow, a high elf sorceress, leads the guild with a focus on advancing magical understanding and fostering cooperation among spellcasters.  

Mage's Tower

Stormweaver’s Spire: A towering structure on the outskirts of Silkport, home to Archmage Eldric Stormweaver. The tower is both a residence and a center of magical research, filled with arcane artifacts, a grand library, and mystical defenses.  

Waywocket’s Wondersome Wares

Proprietor: Timble Turen, a cousin of Waywocket Turen from Greyridge. Timble shares Waywocket’s keen eye for unique and magical items, offering a variety of goods ranging from common supplies to rare trinkets and potent potions.  

The Market Square

A large, open area where merchants set up stalls to sell goods ranging from food and clothing to tools and art.  

The Silvermists’s Watch

A lookout tower on the eastern edge of town, offering a strategic view of the surrounding area.  

Silvermist Dock

A bustling dock area where fishing boats and trading vessels come and go.

Natural Resources

The town is built along the northern shore of Lake Silvermist, with a mix of rugged terrain and gently sloping land. Dense forests to the west provide timber and a sense of seclusion, while the lake offers abundant fishing and transport opportunities.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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