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Eilistraee Mournblade

Guildmaster, Master Thief Mournblade (a.k.a. The Dancing Assassin)

As a mortal, Eilistraee was sacrificed to Molag Bal by Mannimarco as part of a dark ritual in 2E 582.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Body Features

Apparel & Accessories

Superior Glass Armor created by Barrahir MacLyon 

  Armor of the Nightmother

Specialized Equipment

Sabre of the Vicious Ophidian


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eilistraee Mournblade comes from a small noble family in Morrowind, known for being loyal to the Redoran Great House. Her House will become a cousin house to the High Rock MacLyons through intermarriages, and this will prove to be important in the 3rd Era between Daelistra Mournblade and Jarl Tolsirion MacLyon the Dragonborn. The children of Eilistraee and Barrahir though not born of a marriage are the start of this very strong alliance going through the Empire's History.  Eilistraee met Barrahir while he was commanding forces in Cyrodil.  She was on a mission to assassinate a commander of the Ebonhear Pact.  They spent time with each other prior to her mission as they were attracted to each other upon meeting.     Though a Nightblade, her strength was always in being a Master Thief. Few could match her in stealth, or her precision with blades. She was on a misison in Daggerfall to prove herself to the Morag Tong when she was abducted by the Worm Cult. Her mark's house was on the right next to the wall of Daggerfall. She entered the house, but before she could assassinate her mark, she was bludgeoned and captured.   All was not lost for she reformed perfectly in Cold Harbor. It was theorized by sages that if one had Anuic qualities outside of a soul and came into contact with Padomaic Creatia, they would be able to form a near perfect body and mind identical to the one they left behind. Unfortunatley for Mannimarco and indeed Molag Bal, she was one of the beings that proved this true.   She met Lyris Titanborn and the rest of the The Twelve Saviors , and together they found the Prophet, the form of Emperor Vallus who allowed them to get freedom from Cold Harbor. Eilistraee returned to Daggerfall newly formed, but soulless. She would regain her soul after The Twelve Vestiges and the Alliances defeated the forces of Molag Bal in an invasion of Cold Harbor where they freed Meridia's Hollow City and stopped the Planemeld. Though her soul was regained, she acheived an unexpected boon: She was effectively immortal because she could reform a new identical Body and Mind. This proved to be a great advantage in her conflicts to come.
Current Status
One of Tamriel Thieves Guildmasters
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
She is a Vestige
Mournhold, Morrowind
Current Residence
Long, Thick, Red Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Grey
120 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
NameEilistraee Mournblade
Elite Advances
BirthsignThe Thief
XP (total: )
Str End Ag Int Wp Prc Prs Lck
48 97 99 50 71 91 99 50
4 9 9 5 7 9 9 5

Lucky Numbers00, 05, 07, 41, 83, 87 Unlucky Numbers

Health P49 / 49 Magicka P50 / 50
Wound Thresh.13 Stamina P9 / 9
Speed26 Luck P5 / 5
Init Rating23 Action P4 / 4
Carry Rating34 Total ENC5, minimal
Armor & Wounds
 Head: 0 
 AR: 14 / 6 
 Superior Glass
ENC: 1
L.Arm: 9Body: 1-5R.Arm: 8
AR: 14 / 6AR: 14 / 6AR: 14 / 6
Superior Glass
ENC: 1
Superior GlassSuperior Glass
ENC: 1
 L.Leg: 7R.Leg: 6 
 AR: 14 / 6AR: 14 / 6 
 Superior Glass
ENC: 1
Superior Glass
ENC: 1
Armor NotesChameleon (-25) Muffled (-25) +10 Endurance7 / 3
Shield BR: 0 / 0 , - ENC:
Combat Senses
Initiative = 27 instead of 24
One with All
Negates all penalties imposed on any tests by the loss or impairment of one sense (bad lighting, blindness, deafness, and so on) as long as they have the others to fall back on.
Arms Master
Familiar with all weapons
Brawler, Gladiator, God of War
The character adds a bonus degree of success to any successful Combat Style or Evade tests made while within melee range of two or more opponents   If the character is the target of a melee attack while within the melee range of at least two opponents, then they make a free defensive reaction against that attack, but only once per round.   When the character passes a Combat Style or Evade skill test made while within melee range of two or more opponents (and made against those opponents) they can choose to take the number of degrees of success that they rolled, or take a number equal to the corresponding skill rank instead.
Crippling Strikes, Killing Blow
The character causes enemies wounded by them with a melee weapon attack to have a -10 penalty to their shock test. This stacks with any other penalties to shock tests.   When making a power attack, this character increases the damage to 3 times the amount spent to a maximum of 3 for +9 damage.
Duellist, Exploit Advantage, Champion
The character adds a bonus degree of success to any successful Combat Style or Evade tests made while within melee range of only one opponent. As long as no other characters are within melee range of you or your opponent, whenever you succeed on a defensive reaction test against an attacker that failed its attack test, you immediately regain one AP. This can only be done once per round. When the character passes a Combat Style or Evade skill test made while within melee range of only one opponent (and made against that opponent) they can choose to take the number of degrees of success that they rolled, or take a number equal to the corresponding skill rank instead.
Dual Fighter
When wielding two weapons, the character raises the maximum number of melee attacks they are allowed to make in one round from two to three as long as they use each weapon to attack at least once
Eye of Vengeance
The character causes enemies wounded by them with a ranged weapon attack to have a -10 penalty to their shock test. This stacks with any other penalties to shock tests
Follow Up Strike
Whenever the character fails a Combat Style test made to attack while dual-wielding, they can choose to spend a SP to make a follow-up attack with the other weapon at a -20 penalty as a Free action. This does not count as a new attack for the purpose of the attacks per round limit.
Lightning Reflexes
When making an initiative roll, the character can roll twice and choose the higher of the two rolls. Additionally, the character can attempt to parry ranged attacks (but not spells) at a -20.
Precise, Quick Draw, Skirmisher
The character suffers no penalty for Precision Strike attacks.     The character’s first Ready Weapon action in a given round does not cost AP (Except reloads) Additionally, the character can choose to either reduce the AP cost of drinking a potion to 1 or drink a potion without pro voking Attacks of Opportunity.   The character can make a ranged attack as a free action whenever they take the Dash action but at a -20 penalty
Sneak Attack, Assassinate, Shadow Strike
The character adds their Stealth skill rank to the damage of successful attacks made if they were hidden from the target or had advantage when they made the attack.   The character can cause only the damage from Sneak Attack to ignore any AR of the hit location they are hitting if they are attacking with a one handed weapon that has the Exploit Weakness quality. If the character makes a ranged attack while hidden, then they can attempt a Stealth test opposed by the Observe of any enemies who would reasonably be able to notice the attack. On success, or if they roll more degrees of success, they remain hidden from those enemies. Alternatively, if the attack is a melee attack, the character can forgo the advantage gained by being hidden to use this talent
Grandmaster Poisoner (Destruction Alchemist)
The character increases the strength of alchemical ingredients by 20% and never suffers from alchemical backfires.   The character may reroll failed skill tests
When the character passes a Commerce skill test they can choose to take the number of degrees of success that they rolled, or take a number equal to their Commerce skill rank instead.
Assassin Strike, Catfall, Ghost
If the character successfully inflicts damage with an attack (after mitigation) then the target of that attack cannot make an attack of opportunity against the character during that turn.   Reduce the distance the character falls by 5 meters when calculating fall damage   Stealth at normal speed  
Leap up
Stand Aside
Evade reactions made against attacks of opportunity are free until the character fails one, at which point they must pay 1 AP for it.
Swashbuckler, Unnaturally Agile
The character ignores any limits placed on any combat related skill tests by 5   If the character successfully evades an area of effect attack then they may immediately move a number of meters equal to their Evade skill rank. If this move would allow them to escape the affected area, they take no damage from the attack. This move ment still counts towards their total movement for the round.
The first counter attack made by this character using a weapon with the Dueling Quality does not count towards that character’s maximum number of attacks that they can make per round.
Rapid Reload
The character reduces the Reload quality of any ranged weapons they wield by 1 (to a minimum of 0, a free action)
Ancestor Guardian
The Dunmer can, once per Long Rest, cast Sanctuary (3) on themselves that lasts for 3 Rounds as a free action that costs no Magicka Points, and requires no test. Additionally, the Dunmer can perform a ritual that costs 10 drakes worth of incense and powders during a Long Rest to consult with their ancestor, asking up to d4+1 questions. The ancestor replies only with a disembodied voice only the Dunmer can hear, or sends imag ery or signs to be interpreted. This is up to GM’s arbitration. The ancestor can only share knowledge and wisdom it would reasonably have had while they were alive
Resist (Fire,3)
This character reduces all incoming fire damage by 3, and gains a +30 bonus to tests made to resist non-damaging fire effects. This trait can stack.
Skills & Specializations
Skill / Spec. Rank Bonus Base TN
Acrobatics Master (50) - 150
Alchemy Master (50) - 100
Athletics Master (50) - 98
Commerce Master (50) - 150
Deceive Master (50) - 150
Destruction Expert (40) - 121
Enchant Journeyman (20) - 70
Evade Master (50) - 150
Illusion Master (50) - 100
Investigate Expert (40) - 90
Observe Expert (40) - 131
Persuade Adept (30) - 130
Ride Expert (40) - 140
Stealth Master (50) - 150
Subterfuge Master (50) - 150
Survival Adept (30) - 80
Melee Weapons
1h Vicious Ophidian Rubedite Sabre
Damage Range/Reach Qualities
+5 Proven, Slashing, Dueling, Magic, Absorb Fatigue (-30 Endurance), Constant: Precision 5, Fortify Agility 10,
1h Vicious Ophidian Rubedite Sabre
Damage Range/Reach Qualities
+5 Proven, Slashing, Dueling, Magic, Absorb Fatigue: (-30 Endurance) 5 HP, Constant: Precision 5, Fortify Agility 10,

Ranged Weapons
2h Leviathan Ruby Ash Shortbow
Damage Range/Reach Qualities
+10 40/120/220 Reload (1), Proven, Magic, Precision 5, Poison +5


Ring of the Pale Order: Absorb Life: 5 HP each hit.

Agility: 104 AB: 10

Personality: 101 PB 10
UESRPG 3e Character Sheet v1.3, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2021-06-19


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