The Desolate Wastes Geographic Location in Eldoria | World Anvil

The Desolate Wastes

The sands of the Desolate Wastes stretch endlessley. A vast expanse of barren sand and parched Earth under an unforgiving sun. This hostile environment is characterized by its extreme temperatures, and treacherous terrain making the Wastes one of the most dangerous regions in the known world.    In the farthest reaches of the Southwestern edge of this inhospitable land stands an enigmatic pyramid, its weathered stones a testament to a bygone era. The pyramid, ancient and foreboding, towers above the shifting sands, a solitary sentinel of forgotten secrets. Not a soul has seen the inside of the pyramid in eons; its entrances are sealed tight, and legends abound of traps and curses that await any who dare to penetrate its depths. Scholars and adventurers alike are drawn to its mystery. Those who have had the misfortune of having an insatiable curiosity for this pyramid are doomed to never return.   Patrolling the sands is the great Sandworm Leviathan, a monstrous creature of legend and terror. This enormous beast moves through the sands with unsettling speed and silence, its presence only betrayed by the tremors that ripple through the ground. The Sandworm Leviathan acts as both a guardian and predator in this unforgiving wasteland, fiercely territorial and immensly deadly to any who has the misfortune of crossing paths with it as it patrols through the Wastes. It is said to devour anything and anyone in its path.   The Desolate Wastes are also home to bands of nomads and bandits, hardy souls who have adapted to the harsh conditions in order to survive. Roaming bandits and rogues travel through the sands, carving out a living by scavenging what little they can from the remnants of ancient civilizations and preying on the unwary. The nomads are resourceful and resilient, masters of survival in the desolate landscape. They possess a deep knowledge of the Wastes, and their nomadic lifestyle is a continuous struggle against the elements and the other unfortunate souls bound to the Wastes.   If the bandits and Leviathan weren't enough to scare you away, adding on the the peril of the Wastes are the ever-raging sandstorms that sweep across the land with terrifying regularity. These storms are violent and relentless, their winds howl and whip sand with a speed unlike any storm seen outside of the Wastes blinding and suffocating any life it comes across. Visibilty drops to zero, and the storm's fury can strip flesh from bone and reduce the most seasoned of adventurers down to a desiccated husk. The storms are unpredictable and can last for hours or days, leaving nothing but more sand and debris in their wake. Best odds for survival against these storms is to be fortunate enough to not be around when one strikes. A fortune most are unable to come across.


Scattered across the arid plains, Crimson Cacti provide a vital water source with their deep red spines and night-blooming flowers, attracting Sand Scorpions that lie in wait for unsuspecting prey. Packs of Dune Stalkers hunt the Mirage Serpents, which create illusions to lure their victims. The serpents themselves often seek refuge among the Ash Vines that creep along the ground, tapping into hidden underground streams.   After the frequent sandstorms, Storm Lilies bloom briefly, their vibrant blue petals a rare sight that attracts Cinder Beetles and Desert Drakes. The Drakes soar high, their scales reflecting sunlight, while Cinder Beetles thrive near Ember Bushes, which create small oases of heat and light. Ghost Grass sways near ancient ruins, offering a rare treat for Burrowers, small mammals that feed on its delicate stalks.   The ever-present danger of the Great Sandworm Leviathan adds an element of terror, preying on anything that crosses its path. Fire Ants build their nests in the remains of fallen creatures and plants, preying on Burrowers that venture too close. Storm Hawks patrol the skies, hunting Cinder Beetles and other small creatures.   Bandits and nomads scavenge what they can to survive, often clashing with the native wildlife. Raging sandstorms reshape the landscape, uncovering hidden treasures and long-buried secrets. Despite its harshness, the Desolate Wastes are a delicate balance of life and death, where every plant and creature plays a crucial role in the ecosystem's intricate web.

Ecosystem Cycles

Dry Season:   The scorching sun dominates the sky, and temperatures soar. During this period, water sources become scarce, and the ecosystem enters a phase of conservation and survival. Crimson Cacti store precious water in their fleshy stems, which become a vital resource for many creatures. Burrowers retreat to their underground nests, minimizing activity to conserve energy. Sand Scorpions and Mirage Serpents lie in wait near water sources, preying on creatures drawn by thirst.   Sandstorm Season:   The winds pick up, and sandstorms sweep across the landscape, reshaping dunes and uncovering hidden treasures. These storms also bring temporary relief from the heat, allowing Storm Lilies to bloom briefly, their vibrant blue petals a signal of moisture. Cinder Beetles emerge from hiding, attracted to the fresh blooms. Desert Drakes and Storm Hawks take advantage of the increased activity, hunting smaller creatures that are more active during this time.    Wet Season:   Though brief and unpredictable, the wet season brings occasional rains that transform the arid landscape. Ash Vines rapidly absorb the moisture, their growth creating a network of green across the sand. Ghost Grass thrives in the damp conditions, providing a feast for Burrowers and attracting larger predators like Dune Stalkers. The rains also replenish underground streams, supporting Ember Bushes that create small oases of heat and light.    Predation and Reproduction:   Throughout the year, predation and reproduction drive the cycle of life in the Desolate Wastes. Fire Ants build their nests using the remains of fallen creatures and plants, their colonies growing rapidly during the wet season. The Great Sandworm Leviathan hunt across the dunes, their movements shaping the landscape and dispersing seeds buried in the sand. Storm Hawks and Desert Drakes patrol the skies, their hunting patterns influencing the distribution and behavior of smaller creatures.

Fauna & Flora

Flora:   Crimson Cacti: These hardy plants have deep red spines and store vast amounts of water. Their flowers bloom at night, emitting a faint glow that attracts nocturnal creatures.   Ash Vines: Growing in the shadow of the pyramid, these dark, creeping vines seem to thrive on the arid, lifeless soil. Their roots delve deep, tapping into hidden underground streams.   Storm Lilies: Rarely seen after a sandstorm, these flowers grow petals of a vibrant blue. They are sought after for their medicinal properties.    Ghost Grass: A pale, translucent grass that sways gently even in the absence of wind. It is said to have eerie, spectral qualities and is often found near ancient ruins.   Ember Bushes: These low-lying bushes have leaves that resemble burning embers. They are incredibly hot to the touch and provide light and warmth to the surrounding area. In the abscence of a campfire, these bushes make a great substitute.    Fauna:    Sand Scorpions: Large, armored scorpions that can blend seamlessly into the desert sand. They are highly venomous and often lie in wait for unsuspecting prey.    Dune Stalkers: Sleek, predatory cats with sand-colored fur and piercing yellow eyes. They hunt in packs and are known for their speed and agility.    Mirage Serpents: Sharing an evolutionary ancestor with the Serpent in the Serpent's Veil Lake these creatures are long, intimidating snakes that can create illusions to confuse and ensnare their prey. They are often found near oases and water sources.    Desert Drakes: Small, dragon-like creatures that glide through the air on thermal currents. Their scales shimmer like molten metal, and they are known to hoard shiny objects.    Cinder Beetles: Resembling rhinocerous beetles, these creatures feed on the embers of the Ember Bushes. They have hard, heat-resistant shells and are known to emit a soft, warm glow.   Storm Hawks: Large, majestic birds that ride the sandstorms, using the powerful winds to travel great distances. Their feathers are said to have magical properties.    Burrowers: Small, rodent-like creatures that dig intricate tunnel systems beneath the sand. They are a primary food source for many of the desert's predators.    Fire Ants: Aggressive, large ants that have a painful, burning sting. They build massive, sprawling colonies beneath the desert surface.


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