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Capital: Ragnarsborg

The capital city of Frostheim, Ragnarsborg, stands as a formidable bastion of strength and resilience, its towering walls and imposing fortifications a testament to the kingdom's indomitable spirit. Situated at the confluence of icy fjords and rugged coastline, Ragnarsborg boasts one of the largest and most strategically significant ports in the northern seas. Here, mighty longships and merchant vessels from across the realm converge, their billowing sails a vibrant tapestry against the backdrop of towering cliffs and churning waves.   Within the city's stout stone walls, bustling markets and lively taverns bustle with activity, their clamor mingling with the sound of smiths' hammers and the call of seafaring folk. Ragnarsborg's streets are a maze of narrow alleys and winding lanes, lined with sturdy timber-framed buildings adorned with intricate carvings and colorful banners depicting the sigils of Frostheim's noble clans.   At the heart of the city lies the imposing citadel, a towering edifice of gray stone and black iron that serves as the seat of Frostheim's power. Here, the council of clan chieftains convenes to deliberate on matters of state, while the king's banner flies defiantly from the highest tower, a symbol of Frostheim's unwavering sovereignty.   Surrounding the citadel are sprawling barracks and training grounds, where Frostheim's warriors hone their skills in preparation for battle. From the towering ramparts of Ragnarsborg, sentries keep watch over the city day and night, their keen eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger.   Despite its formidable defenses, Ragnarsborg is more than just a fortress; it is a bustling hub of commerce and culture, where traders from distant lands mingle with rugged seafarers and battle-hardened warriors. In its teeming streets and bustling markets, the vibrant tapestry of Frostheim's society is on full display, a testament to the resilience and indomitable spirit of its people
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