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Eris, the Mistress of Trickery

Eris, known as the Mistress of Trickery, embodies the essence of chaos and unpredictability. She thrives on the thrill of manipulation, constantly challenging mortals to question their perceptions and embrace the unexpected. Eris is depicted as a shapeshifter, capable of assuming various forms to suit her whims and further her schemes. Her followers, known as disciples of deception, are drawn to her teachings of adaptability and cleverness. They learn to see deception not as a tool for malevolence, but as a means of navigating the complexities of life with wit and ingenuity.   In temples dedicated to Eris, her worshippers engage in elaborate rituals of illusion and misdirection, celebrating the ever-shifting nature of reality. These ceremonies often involve elaborate costumes, intricate puzzles, and theatrical performances designed to challenge the senses and provoke thought. Eris is revered as a patron of actors, artists, and diplomats, as well as those who seek to uncover hidden truths amidst layers of falsehood.   Despite her reputation for mischief, Eris is not without her virtues. She values creativity, spontaneity, and the ability to think on one's feet. Those who earn her favor are granted the gift of quick thinking and sharp intuition, enabling them to outmaneuver their adversaries and thrive in the face of uncertainty. However, those who underestimate her may find themselves ensnared in her web of illusions, learning the hard way that truth is often stranger than fiction in the domain of the Mistress of Trickery.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Unpredictable:
Followers of Eris are encouraged to embrace the ever-changing nature of existence, finding joy in the unexpected twists and turns of life.  
Question Authority:
Eris teaches her disciples to challenge assumptions and question the status quo, urging them to seek out alternative perspectives and uncover hidden truths.  
Embody Adaptability:
Adaptability is key in the teachings of Eris, as her worshippers learn to thrive in diverse environments and navigate shifting circumstances with grace and resilience.  
Revel in Creativity:
Creativity is celebrated as a sacred gift bestowed upon mortals by Eris herself. Her followers are encouraged to express themselves freely and explore the boundless realms of imagination.  
Embrace the Illusion:
Illusion is not seen as deceit, but as a reflection of the multifaceted nature of reality. Eris teaches her disciples to appreciate the beauty of illusion and harness its power to inspire wonder and awe.
Divine Classification