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Nekros, the solemn deity of Death

Nekros, the solemn deity of Death, presides over the passage from life to beyond, reminding mortals of the inevitability of their journey's end.

Nekros, revered as the embodiment of mortality, stands as a solemn figure in the pantheon. His realm extends beyond the veil of life, guiding souls to their final destination with compassion and reverence. He is depicted as a cloaked figure, bearing a somber countenance yet harboring a profound understanding of the cycle of life and death. Mortals both fear and respect Nekros, knowing that he is the ultimate arbiter of their fate, yet finding solace in the inevitability of his presence.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Cycle:
Acknowledge and honor the natural cycle of life and death, understanding that death is an integral part of existence and serves as a gateway to the next phase of being.
Respect for the Departed:
Show reverence and respect for the souls of the departed, honoring their memory and ensuring their passage to the afterlife is dignified and peaceful.
Guardian of Transition:
Serve as a guardian of the transition between life and death, guiding souls on their journey to the realm beyond and offering solace to those who mourn their loss.
Balance and Justice:
Uphold the principles of balance and justice in matters of life and death, ensuring that all souls are judged fairly and equitably according to their deeds in life.
Eternal Rest:
Provide comfort and solace to those who grieve, offering reassurance that death is not an end but a new beginning, where the soul may find eternal rest and peace.
Divine Classification