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The White Gate

The Obsidian Guardian: The White Gate of Vuria

The White Gate," a monolithic structure of ominous presence, looms at the northern boundary of the Kingdom of Vuria, separating its lands from the desolate expanse beyond. Crafted from towering black stone, its formidable silhouette stands in stark contrast to the surrounding landscape, casting an aura of foreboding over all who approach. Reinforced with imposing battlements and formidable defenses, the gate serves as both a bulwark against the encroaching dangers of the north and a grim reminder of the kingdom's isolation.   At the gate's base, colossal doors of ebony wood, bound with iron bands and adorned with ancient runes of warding, remain firmly sealed, refusing entry to all who seek passage. No caravan may pass through its shadowed archways, no traveler may breach its imposing walls. The White Gate stands as a silent sentinel, its enigmatic purpose shrouded in mystery and intrigue.   Despite its forbidding appearance, the White Gate exerts a strange fascination on those who behold it, drawing the eye with its imposing presence and commanding authority. For generations, it has stood as a symbol of Vuria's strength and sovereignty, a testament to the kingdom's determination to protect its borders at any cost. And as the shadows lengthen and the winds howl through its darkened archways, the White Gate remains an enigmatic enigma, its secrets hidden behind impenetrable walls of stone and shadow.
Alternative Names
The Shadowed Wall, The Northern Rampart, The Wall
Owning Organization