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Abadar Master of the First Vault

Abadar, Master of the First Vault is worshipped as the god of cities, wealth, merchants, and law. He is often depicted as a well-dressed, bearded human carrying a key, which represents the keys to his divine vaults of wealth and prosperity. Abadar values order, commerce, and trade, and he is often worshipped by merchants, bankers, and city-dwellers who seek his favor in their endeavors. He is also the patron of judges, magistrates, and other legal professionals, as he values the importance of law and order in maintaining a stable and prosperous society.   Abadar's teachings emphasize fairness, equality, and the importance of the rule of law. He is often portrayed as a neutral deity who stands apart from the conflicts of good and evil, instead focusing on the importance of balance and order. His followers are often tasked with building and maintaining cities, roads, and other infrastructure, and they are expected to promote trade and commerce while upholding the laws and regulations of their society.

Divine Domains

cities, earth, travel, wealth


Abadar, Master of the First Vault is associated with several artifacts:
  • The Scales of Abadar - This is a set of golden scales that represents Abadar's role as the god of trade and commerce. The scales are said to be able to weigh the value of anything, and those who seek Abadar's favor often make offerings of gold or other precious items to the scales.
  • The Key of Abadar - This is a golden key that is said to be able to unlock any lock, no matter how intricate. It is often used as a symbol of Abadar's power over wealth and commerce, and is sometimes granted as a gift to those who have done great deeds in Abadar's name.
  • The Shield of the Golden General - This is a magical shield that is said to have been used by a legendary hero of Abadar in battle. The shield is said to be able to deflect any blow, and is often used by paladins and other champions of Abadar as a symbol of their devotion to the god of law and commerce.
  • The Staff of the Order - This is a tall, golden staff that is used by the highest-ranking priests of Abadar as a symbol of their authority. The staff is said to be able to dispel illusions and reveal the truth, and is often carried by those who seek to maintain law and order in the name of Abadar.
  These artifacts are highly revered by Abadar's followers.

Holy Books & Codes

"The Order of Numbers" is considered the core text of the Church of Abadar and is often decorated and bound in an elaborate manner. It contains teachings on commerce, trade, industry, and the importance of order and structure in society. It also includes various mathematical and accounting principles that are relevant to these topics.
"The Manual of City-Building" is another important text in the worship of Abadar and contains advice and guidance on the topic of founding and running a community. It includes topics such as building design, infrastructure planning, legal systems, and trade regulations. It is often stored prominently in a place of honor and consulted by community leaders and builders.
"Ledger of the First Vault" which is a tome of laws, regulations, and guidelines on commerce, trade, and wealth management. The Ledger is considered to be a comprehensive guide for merchants, bankers, and anyone who deals with financial matters, and it is used as a source of inspiration and guidance for Abadar's followers.  
The "Book of Abadar" is typically a large, ornate tome adorned with gold and silver, often kept in temples or other sacred locations. It is considered a sacred text by his followers, and is used to guide their practices and beliefs.
The "Laws of Commerce" are a set of guidelines designed to ensure that trade and exchange is conducted fairly and honestly. They cover topics such as pricing, weights and measures, and fraud, and are enforced by Abadar's clergy and other legal authorities.
The "Code of Abadar" is a set of laws and regulations governing the administration of justice in his name. It covers a wide range of legal matters, from the punishment of criminals to the settlement of disputes between parties. The code is considered to be a cornerstone of Abadar's faith, and is upheld by his clergy and other legal authorities throughout the land.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbols and sigils of Abadar, Master of the First Vault, are primarily associated with wealth, commerce, and law. One of the most common symbols of Abadar is a set of balanced scales, which represent his role as a god of balance and fairness. Other symbols associated with Abadar include a key or set of keys, representing his role as a protector of wealth and property, as well as a cornucopia or a pile of coins, representing his association with prosperity and abundance.
Abadar's sigil is a set of balanced scales with a key beneath it, representing his role as a god of commerce and law. This sigil is often used to mark items that are associated with Abadar or his followers, such as documents, buildings, or personal possessions. In addition to these symbols and sigils, Abadar's followers may also wear specific colors, such as blue and gold, as a sign of their devotion to the god.

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of faith of Abadar, Master of the First Vault, emphasize order, commerce, and civilization. They include:
  1. The power of civilization: Abadar's worshipers believe in the power of civilization to bring order and prosperity to the world. They see themselves as builders and maintainers of cities and towns.
  2. The pursuit of wealth: Abadar's followers believe that accumulating wealth is a worthwhile goal as long as it is done through honest and lawful means. They see wealth as a means to improve the lives of themselves and others.
  3. The importance of contracts: Abadar's worshipers believe that contracts and agreements are essential to maintain order and trust in society. They value the creation and enforcement of fair and binding contracts.
  4. The rule of law: Abadar's followers believe in the importance of law and order, and they strive to uphold and enforce the laws of their society. They believe that all individuals should be held accountable for their actions, and that justice should be fair and impartial.
  5. The value of diplomacy: Abadar's worshipers believe in the power of negotiation and diplomacy to resolve conflicts and maintain peace. They believe that communication and compromise are essential to maintain good relations between individuals and societies.
  Overall, the tenets of faith of Abadar emphasize the importance of order, commerce, and civilization, and promote the idea that society can thrive when individuals work together in an honest and lawful manner.


Market's Door is a holiday in honor of Abadar that celebrates the first shipment of goods from the fall harvest. The date of the holiday varies from year to year, depending on the success of the harvest and the arrival of the goods. On this day, markets are held throughout the land, and many communities hold fairs and festivals to celebrate the abundance of food and resources. The holiday serves as a reminder of the importance of trade and commerce, which are essential to the prosperity of communities and nations alike.
Taxfest 15th of Planting is a holiday celebrated by the clergy of Abadar after taxes have been collected. It is a time of rejoicing, during which the community and its leaders are invited to a feast. The holiday recognizes the important role of taxes in funding the infrastructure and services that are essential to a well-functioning society. It is also an opportunity for the clergy to show their appreciation for the hard work and sacrifice of those who pay taxes. The feast is often accompanied by music, dance, and other forms of entertainment, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of community and the benefits of working together towards a common goal.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The divine goals of Abadar, Master of the First Vault, revolve around promoting civilization, commerce, and wealth while ensuring a fair and just society for all. Some of his goals include:
  1. Promoting trade and commerce: Abadar encourages fair and honest trade practices, and seeks to establish and maintain stable economies.
  2. Establishing law and order: Abadar believes in the rule of law and seeks to promote a just and orderly society where everyone's rights are protected.
  3. Protecting the innocent: Abadar is a protector of the innocent and will not tolerate any form of oppression or injustice.
  4. Supporting civilization: Abadar believes that civilization is the key to a prosperous and stable society. He promotes urbanization and supports the growth of cities and towns.
  5. Accumulating wealth: Abadar values wealth and encourages his followers to accumulate it through honest means. He believes that wealth can be used to create a better world for all.
  Overall, Abadar's divine goals focus on promoting a society that is fair, just, and prosperous, where the individual's rights are respected and protected, and where the pursuit of wealth is balanced with social responsibility.


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