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Asmodeus The Prince of Darkness

Asmodeus is the First, the Dark Prince, the lord of darkness and law, and the ruler of the plane of Hell. If Asmodeus's own scriptures are to believed—and they are corroborated by certain other accounts, like the angel-penned Book of the Damned—he is one of the oldest beings of the multiverse. These texts claim that in time before time, in a world not yet created, Asmodeus and his brother Ihys were among the first gods in existence. During these unnamed ages, the two gods quarreled over the fate of the souls of their creations, and Asmodeus slew his brother. Confident that Ihys's act of granting mortals free will was folly, Asmodeus made his own convictions known: that existence is best served by absolute order and discipline. These claims contradict other popular creation myths, and both theologians and immortal agents of the gods doubt Asmodeus's claims to varying degrees, but while there is no evidence to prove them, they are also difficult to refute.


Asmodeus's Iron Circlet: This artifact is a circlet made of black iron that grants its wearer immense mental powers, including the ability to control the minds of others.

Hellfire Flume: The Hellfire Flume is a magical brazier that constantly burns with magical flames. It is said that if a devil is burned in the flames of the Hellfire Flume, they will be permanently destroyed.
  Rod of Asmodeus: This powerful artifact is a twisted black rod with a ruby set in its tip. It is said to grant its wielder immense magical power and control over the minds of others.
  Crown of the Iron King: The Crown of the Iron King is a powerful artifact said to grant its wearer immense power and control over the legions of devils that serve Asmodeus.
  The Asmodean Knot: The Asmodean Knot is a complex magical symbol that is said to grant its bearer control over the very fabric of reality. It is often used by Asmodean cultists to work powerful magic.

Holy Books & Codes

The holy book of Asmodeus is known as the Asmodean Monograph. It is a complex and lengthy tome that contains Asmodeus's teachings, laws, and codes of conduct. The Asmodean Monograph outlines the core tenets of Asmodeus's philosophy, which are based on the principles of order, discipline, and control. The book provides guidance for Asmodeus's followers on how to maintain and expand their power, including information on how to manipulate and control others. The Asmodean Monograph is often supplemented by additional volumes and appendices that provide more detailed information on specific topics, such as contract law, infernal bureaucracy, and the hierarchy of devils. These supplemental texts are often kept secret and distributed only to the most trusted and loyal followers of Asmodeus.   Asmodeus's codes of conduct are based on the principle of absolute order and discipline. His followers are expected to obey the law and authority, and to use their positions of power to maintain order and control over others. Asmodeus teaches that free will is an illusion, and that the only way to achieve true happiness and fulfillment is through submission to a higher authority.   Asmodeus's codes also emphasize the importance of contracts and oaths. Asmodeus's followers are expected to honor their agreements, and to use contracts to gain power and influence over others. The use of contracts is seen as a way to maintain order and stability, as they provide a clear and enforceable set of rules for all parties involved.   Overall, Asmodeus's holy books and codes reflect his desire for control and order, and his belief that power is the key to happiness and fulfillment.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Asmodeus's divine symbol is a highly stylized pentagram with two additional downward-pointing points. The pentagram is surrounded by a circle and is sometimes depicted with a goat's head or other demonic imagery at the center. As for his sigil, it is typically depicted as a vertical line bisected by a horizontal line, with smaller diagonal lines in the upper and lower quadrants. The sigil is sometimes enclosed in a circle or surrounded by other infernal symbols.

Tenets of Faith

Asmodeus, being a god of law and order, has divine goals that are aligned with maintaining and enforcing strict control over the multiverse. He seeks to establish a rigid hierarchy, with himself at the top, where all beings have their place and function. Asmodeus is also interested in accumulating power and knowledge, and he seeks to expand his influence and control over mortal souls. Additionally, Asmodeus seeks to eliminate or subjugate any threats to his power, including other deities or powerful entities that could potentially challenge his rule. Ultimately, his goal is to create a world where absolute order reigns and his authority is undisputed.


Asmodeus Day is a day of public feasts, parades, and festivities held in honor of the Dark Prince. It is also a day of legal contract signings, as Asmodeus is the god of contracts and law, and his followers believe that signing a contract on Asmodeus Day brings good fortune and ensures the success of the deal. However, in most nations, the worship of Asmodeus is heavily frowned upon, and the celebration of this holiday is considered taboo.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Asmodeus, being a god of law and order, has divine goals that are aligned with maintaining and enforcing strict control over the multiverse. He seeks to establish a rigid hierarchy, with himself at the top, where all beings have their place and function. Asmodeus is also interested in accumulating power and knowledge, and he seeks to expand his influence and control over mortal souls. Additionally, Asmodeus seeks to eliminate or subjugate any threats to his power, including other deities or powerful entities that could potentially challenge his rule. Ultimately, his goal is to create a world where absolute order reigns and his authority is undisputed.


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