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ballade ragnar

The Ballad of Ragnar Grønne Eiriksfostre In Hesterhavn’s halls, where the sea winds blow, A dromaar was raised, in the Luthi’s glow. Ragnar Grønne Eiriksfostre, fierce and bold, Adopted by Jarl Eirik, in the days of old.   An orphaned child, from a raid set free, He grew with the warriors, by the stormy sea. In the burial mounds, he found his peace, With a white raven’s guidance, his powers increased.   With tusks sharp and strong, and a sword in hand, Ragnar fought bravely, to protect his land. His raven taught magic, from life and death’s realm, Enhancing his strength, at the battle’s helm.   In Fatun’s village, where goblins did raid, Ragnar stood firm, with his allies’ aid. Wankel the healer, and Brasco the gnome, Together they fought, to protect their home.   The water was tainted, the villagers ill, To the old tower they went, with iron will. Through woods dark and deep, to the goblins’ hold, Where a dragon of water, ancient and bold.   The dragon they spoke to, with wisdom and grace, Learning of undead, in a dark, cursed place. With fire and light, they cleansed the tomb, Ending the plague, averting the doom.   To Ostenwald next, their journey did lead, Hunting an owlbear, for the Empress’s need. In battles they fought, with beings from beyond, Their bond growing stronger, their friendship a bond.   In the mound of cultists, Ragnar did stride, With armor called forth, and tusks as his guide. Brasco with spells, and Wankel with light, Together they fought, through the darkest night.   Brasco departed, with a gnome by his side, Leaving the group, on a new path to stride. Ragnar and Wankel, to the estate they went, To uncover the source, of the planar event.   In a burning village, they met Thallion the brave, Joining their quest, his skills he gave. Hobgoblins they fought, and guardians of clock, Scaling the walls, with a silent knock.   Inside the manor, the truth was revealed, Servants controlled, their fate now sealed. Devils they battled, with might and with grace, Uncovering secrets, in that dark place.   Through trials and battles, his legend did grow, In the annals of history, his deeds will show. For Ragnar Grønne Eiriksfostre, with heart pure and true, His courage and valor, forever renew.


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