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Gerdrut Rusdorffer

Gerdrut Rusdorffer

Gerdrut Rusdorffer is a 39-year-old female human with short, straight, blonde hair and blue eyes. She has brown skin and stands 161cm tall (5′ 3″), with a large build. Gerdrut is slightly introverted and likes to keep to herself, but she is open-minded and quick to understand new ideas. She is especially self-disciplined and prefers to follow a schedule. Gerdrut is empathetic and takes time out for others. She is emotionally stable and is moderately slow to anger.
Gerdrut likes to read and to cook, and she is a foodie. She frequently hums as a way to keep herself focused and calm. In addition to her tailor business, Gerdrut also sells some magical items.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gerdrut is in good physical health, although her large build sometimes makes it difficult for her to move quickly or perform strenuous tasks.

Body Features

In addition to her large build, Gerdrut has a slightly round face and full lips.

Facial Features

Gerdrut's blue eyes are her most striking facial feature. She also has high cheekbones and a straight nose.

Identifying Characteristics

She has a scar on her left forearm from a cooking accident.

Physical quirks

Gerdrut frequently hums to herself, even when she's busy with other tasks. She also has a habit of fidgeting with her hands when she's nervous.

Apparel & Accessories

Gerdrut typically wears comfortable clothing that she can move around in easily, such as loose tunics and trousers. She always wears an apron when cooking or working in her shop, and she often has a pair of scissors or a needle tucked into the pocket.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gerdrut was born and raised in a small village, where her parents owned a farm. She developed an interest in cooking and tailoring at a young age, and eventually left the village to study those skills in a larger city. After several years of training, she returned to her hometown and opened her own tailor shop.


Gerdrut received formal training in cooking and tailoring in a city several days' travel from her hometown.


Gerdrut owns and runs her own tailor shop, which also sells some magical items.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Gerdrut is proud of the success of her tailor shop, which has become a respected business in the area. She has also won several cooking competitions over the years.

Failures & Embarrassments

Gerdrut is embarrassed about a time when she accidentally spilled a pot of hot soup on a customer in her shop. She also struggled financially when she first opened the shop, but was eventually able to turn things around.

Intellectual Characteristics

Gerdrut is intelligent and curious, and enjoys learning new things. She is especially knowledgeable about cooking and tailoring, but is also interested in history and literature.

Morality & Philosophy

Gerdrut believes in treating others with kindness and respect. She is a firm believer in the power of hard work and dedication.

Personality Characteristics


Gerdrut is motivated by her desire to run a successful business and create beautiful, high-quality clothing for her customers.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Gerdrut is skilled at cooking, tailoring, and running a business. However, she is not very physically strong and can struggle with heavy lifting or other strenuous tasks.

Likes & Dislikes

Gerdrut enjoys reading, trying out new recipes, and spending time with friends and family. She dislikes loud noises, confrontations, and people who are rude or disrespectful.

Virtues & Personality perks

Gerdrut is empathetic, disciplined, and open-minded. She is also hardworking and dedicated to her craft.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite her generally positive qualities, Gerdrut has some flaws that can cause her problems. For one, she can be a bit of a worrywart, always imagining worst-case scenarios and obsessing over small details. This can make it difficult for her to relax and enjoy life. Additionally, Gerdrut can be quite stubborn at times, especially when it comes to her work or her beliefs. She can also be quite sensitive to criticism and tends to take it personally, even if it is well-intentioned.

Personality Quirks

Gerdrut has a few quirks and tics that set her apart from others. For example, she has a habit of tapping her foot when she's nervous or deep in thought. She also tends to repeat certain words or phrases under her breath when she's concentrating on a task. Another quirk of Gerdrut's is that she is very particular about the tools she uses for her work, and she becomes visibly agitated when someone else touches them or moves them out of place.


Gerdrut is very conscious of hygiene and always makes sure to wash her hands frequently, especially when working with food or fabrics.


Contacts & Relations

Gerdrut has a small but close circle of friends and acquaintances in her village, including some of her regular customers. She also maintains a professional network with other tailors and craftsmen in the region.

Family Ties

Gerdrut comes from a large family and is close with her parents and siblings, who still live on their family farm in the village where she grew up.

Social Aptitude

Gerdrut is generally well-liked in town, although she can sometimes come across as shy or aloof to those who don't know her well.


In addition to her humming and fidgeting, Gerdrut has a habit of tilting her head slightly when she's listening to someone speak.

Hobbies & Pets

Gerdrut enjoys reading, cooking, and occasionally going for long walks in the countryside. She does not have any pets of her own, but she enjoys spending time with her neighbors' animals when she gets the chance.


Gerdrut speaks in a soft, slightly accented voice, and is very articulate and precise in her choice of words.
Current Location
Date of Birth
31th Grain 1110
Year of Birth
1110 SC 39 Years old
Striking Blue
5′ 3″
Ruled Locations


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