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Prominent Features of Luthi Ethnicity:
  1. Norse and Viking Influence: The Luthi ethnicity draws heavy inspiration from Old Norse and Viking naming traditions. Their names reflect the rich heritage of Norse mythology, sagas, and the seafaring culture of the Vikings.
  2. Northern Origins: The Luthi hail from the northern regions, known for their rugged landscapes and harsh climates. They have adapted to these conditions and developed a resilient spirit, shaped by their environment.
  3. Fierce Defenders of Freedom: The Luthi people are renowned for their unwavering commitment to defending freedom and independence. They have a strong sense of justice and are willing to fight for their rights and the rights of others.
  4. Warrior Culture: The Luthi embrace a warrior culture. They value strength, bravery, and honor in battle. Martial skills, including swordsmanship and navigation, are highly regarded within their society.
  5. Deep Connection to Nature: The Luthi maintain a deep connection with the natural world. They revere the land, sea, and sky and often incorporate nature-based rituals and beliefs into their daily lives.


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Always toast Cayden Cailean in apriciation of freedom from slavers.

Coming of Age Rites

Adventure, oppon coming of age the Luthi sett out adventuring, for the poor this usualy comes in the form of working some time outside ther village while for more the more wealty it usualy involves traveling abroard or involving themselfs in trade expedition or warraids agains slaveholders. It is nor uncomon for adventuring Luthi to travel the human nation doing odd jobs and typpical "Adventure Quests"

Common Taboos



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