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Sarenrae "The Dawnflower"


The Dawnflower is goddess of healing, honesty, redemption, and the sun. Once a powerful angel and empyreal lord, Sarenrae led the charge to imprison Rovagug. She seeks to redeem evil where possible, or else destroy it swiftly.       Sarenrae is one of the most popular deities in Eldrida by virtue of her association with the life-giving sun and her perpetual offer to help anyone be their best, even when they have made mistakes. Most people thank her for her kind work to channel the sun’s power for everyone’s safety and livelihood, and thank her clergy for granting her healing power to all who need it. Mortals look to the Dawnflower as an example of boundless love, exquisite kindness, and true patience. They pray to her to heal the sick, lift up the downtrodden, and illuminate darkness of circumstance as well as darkness of spirit. Her followers aspire to emulate her through generosity, nurturing, truthfulness, and selfless courage. They oppose evil everywhere with words first, and when necessary, with scimitar and flame.

Divine Domains

fire, healing, sun, truth


Ash of the Sun: A piece of incense that, when burned, creates a radiance that harms undead and evil creatures. It can also be used to summon a solar angel. Scimitar of the Suns: A magical scimitar that glows with a bright light, and can smite evil and undead creatures.
Eternal Rose: A beautiful rose that grants its wielder healing powers and immunity to fire and disease.
Helm of the Sun: A golden helmet that enhances the wearer's vision and grants immunity to blindness and dazzling effects. It also allows the wearer to summon a fire elemental.
Radiant Shield: A magical shield that shines with a brilliant light, and can reflect harmful spells back at the caster.

Holy Books & Codes

Sarenrae's holy book is called "The Birth of Light and Truth." It is said to have been written by Sarenrae herself, and contains the deity's teachings and wisdom. The book emphasizes the values of kindness, redemption, mercy, and the pursuit of justice. It also stresses the importance of balance and the need to combat evil and darkness wherever it is found.
Sarenrae's codes are known as the "Redemption Codes." These codes are a set of guidelines for behavior that emphasize mercy, redemption, and the pursuit of justice. The codes encourage followers to show compassion to all beings, to seek peaceful solutions whenever possible, and to use force only as a last resort. They also stress the importance of forgiveness and the potential for redemption, even for those who have committed great wrongs. The Redemption Codes are seen as a way to live a virtuous life and to honor Sarenrae's teachings.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The primary symbol of Sarenrae is a stylized sun with wings, known as the Sunburst. It represents her role as a goddess of light and the dawn, and her ability to shine her light on even the darkest places. The Sunburst is often depicted on shields, banners, and other holy items associated with Sarenrae. Another important symbol associated with Sarenrae is the phoenix, which represents rebirth and renewal. The phoenix is also seen as a symbol of Sarenrae's transformative power, as she is able to help those who have strayed from the path of righteousness find their way back.   In addition to these symbols, the holy symbol of Sarenrae is a gold disk with a smaller, raised silver disk in the center, representing the sun and its rays. This symbol is often worn as a pendant or used in religious ceremonies.   Sarenrae's followers also use various sigils and glyphs in their worship, often incorporating the Sunburst or other symbols of the goddess. These sigils are typically used in holy texts and other religious artifacts, and are seen as a way to harness Sarenrae's power and protection.

Tenets of Faith

1. Compassion: Sarenrae teaches her followers to show compassion to all creatures, even to those who have done wrong. Her followers are encouraged to extend mercy to those who seek redemption and to guide them towards a path of righteousness.
2. Honor: Sarenrae's followers are expected to conduct themselves with honor and integrity at all times. They are to be honest, forthright, and just in all their dealings.
  3. Redemption: Sarenrae's teachings emphasize the potential for redemption and renewal, and encourage her followers to help those who are lost or struggling to find their way back to the path of righteousness.
  4. Strength: Sarenrae's followers are expected to be strong in body, mind, and spirit. They are to train themselves in combat and defense, but also to be resilient in the face of adversity and to have the mental fortitude to overcome challenges.
5. Sun: The sun is an important symbol of Sarenrae, representing her radiance and her power to dispel darkness and bring light. Her followers are encouraged to seek out the light in all things and to be a beacon of hope and inspiration to others.
6. Healing: Sarenrae is known for her ability to heal the sick and wounded, and her followers are expected to learn the art of healing and use it to aid those in need.
7. Joy: Sarenrae teaches that joy and happiness are important aspects of life, and her followers are encouraged to celebrate and enjoy the good things in life, while also being mindful of the suffering of others.
8. Peace: Sarenrae teaches that peace is a noble goal, and her followers are encouraged to work towards peace in their communities and in the world at large.
9. Forgiveness: Sarenrae's teachings emphasize the importance of forgiveness, both for oneself and for others. Her followers are encouraged to let go of grudges and resentments and to forgive those who have wronged them.
10. Love: Sarenrae's ultimate teaching is that of love, both for oneself and for others. Her followers are encouraged to cultivate love in their hearts and to express it through their actions and interactions with others.


Sarenrae has several holidays that are celebrated by her faithful:
Dawnfire: This holiday is celebrated on the first day of the year and marks the beginning of a new cycle. It is a time of purification and renewal, with people cleaning their homes and burning old possessions that no longer serve them.
Sunwrought Festival: This is a two-week-long festival that begins on the summer solstice. It celebrates the power of the sun and the blessings of light and warmth that it brings. During the festival, people dance, sing, and feast, and many temples hold special services to honor Sarenrae.
Radiance Night: This holiday is celebrated on the night of the full moon in the month of Blossom. It is a time of healing and rejuvenation, with people coming together to share stories and perform acts of kindness for one another.
Day of Holy Judgment: This holiday is celebrated on the autumnal equinox and is a time of reflection and introspection. It is a time to assess one's deeds over the past year and make amends for any wrongs that have been done.
Burning Blades: This holiday is celebrated on the winter solstice and marks the beginning of the dark half of the year. It is a time to reflect on the hardships of the past year and to make plans for the future. Many people light candles or burn effigies of their past selves to symbolize letting go of the old and embracing the new.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Sarenrae's divine goals are centered around the concepts of redemption, healing, and the defeat of evil. She seeks to bring light and hope to the world, and to help those who have strayed from the path of righteousness to find their way back. Sarenrae believes in the power of redemption and second chances, and she works tirelessly to offer these to all who seek her guidance.
  One of Sarenrae's primary goals is the defeat of evil in all its forms. She believes that all beings have the potential for good, but that some may be corrupted by darkness and need to be brought back into the light. Sarenrae sees herself as a beacon of hope and a force for good in the world, and she encourages her followers to stand up against evil and to fight for what is right.
  Another important goal for Sarenrae is the healing of the sick and injured. She is associated with the power of the sun, and her healing abilities are seen as a reflection of the life-giving warmth and energy of the sun's rays. Sarenrae's followers are often healers and doctors, and they are dedicated to using their abilities to help others and to ease suffering wherever they find it.
  Finally, Sarenrae's goals are also focused on promoting peace and understanding between different cultures and nations. She sees herself as a unifying force, and she works to bring people together and to overcome differences that might otherwise lead to conflict and division. Sarenrae encourages her followers to embrace diversity and to seek common ground with those who may have different beliefs or perspectives.


Contacts & Relations

Allies: Cayden Cailean, Desna, Iomedae, Shelyn
Enemies: Asmodeus, Lamashtu, Rovagug, Urgathoa
Divine Classification

Articles under Sarenrae "The Dawnflower"


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