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Takeshi Damián Valerio de Isla Verde

Captan Takeshi Damián Valerio de Isla Verde

Physical Description

Body Features

Athletic and agile, well-muscled due to rigorous training

Apparel & Accessories

Wears the formal uniform of the Imperial Lifeguard, adorned with insignias representing his rank and heritage

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised with a strong sense of duty, honor, and discipline. His mixed heritage taught him the value of understanding different cultures and perspectives.


Trained in martial arts, strategy, and leadership. Received additional training in the Indo art of the katana and the Valentianth art of horsemanship.


He is serving as a chaptan in the Imperial body guard and is station at the Imperial pallace outside Averhaven, his careeier stated in 1144 as a Lutenant and he quicely gained the faivor from a group om nobles within the Diet promary due to his mixed Valentianth and Indo heratige and the fact that he commes from a minor noble house that poses no threat to the Piers of the realm means that he is seen as a safe officer in the bodyguard.

Personality Characteristics


Protect the Empress: Primary motivation is to ensure the safety and well-being of Empress Amelia, believing in her potential to lead the Empire justly.
Honor and Duty: Driven by a strong sense of duty to his family’s legacy and the values of the Empire.

Personality Quirks

Quiet Intensity: Speaks little but commands attention when he does, his presence alone often enough to maintain order. Meditative Practices: Incorporates Indo meditation techniques to maintain mental clarity and focus. Poetic Wisdom: Occasionally quotes Valentianth poetry, reflecting his cultured upbringing and providing wisdom or solace in tense moments.


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1123 SC 26 Years old
Dark brown, keen and observant

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