Spirit Born Species in Eldris | World Anvil

Spirit Born

Spirit born are humanoids born as the result of the coupling of an individual warped by possession and another being. They are affected by the corruptive power of the demon's influence. While the effect is not strong enough to spread to the unafflicted parent, it affects the growing baby through their incubation period and is reflected in the child's physique and abilities at or shortly after birth.

Basic Information


While they are humanoid in shape and structure, they often possess what would be considered oddities among humans. Unnatural tones, wings, horns, odd textured skin, etc. have been documented. Rarely, tails (long and naked, sometimes tipped with a spade) and extra limbs have been documented in the more hideous looking offspring.

Genetics and Reproduction

Spirit born are capable of reproducing like any other hominid being, gestating inside the female's body for 42 weeks before birth. Their offspring look normal at birth, then gain their corrupted traits over time.

Growth Rate & Stages

Spirit born grow similar to their hominid counterparts. Through the first few weeks of life their skin color may shift. By the sixth month after birth their corrupted traits may begin to develop. These traits may take as long as 14 years to show. By 16 the spirit born's corrupt traits are fully developed and they are capable of sexual reproduction.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Spirit born are omnivorous, like other hominids. They may show a proclavity to plant or animal matter based on their elemental balance, fire for example favoring plant matter and tera favoring animal matter.


Behaviour of a spirit born is believed similar to that of their parent's race when raised in a neutral environment. Both fiendborn and seraphborn exhibit charismatic traits and manipulative behaviours, thought to be an influence of their spiritual heritage.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Spirit born fit into their social structure depending on where they fall in the corrupted scale. A demonic looking spirit born is considered lower than low and often struggles to find jobs or lodging. They are shunned and tend to struggle to survive once their demonic traits appear. An angelic looking spirit born is considered to be higher than nobility and wants for nothing once their traits come in.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Demonic spirit born are often used as cheap labor and given the most dangerous jobs.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Spirit born are not limited in geographic distribution and may appear anywhere in the world.

Average Intelligence

Spirit born show an average human intelligence with the normal variations.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Spirit born have been documented to possess strong magical abilities, low light vision, dark vision, enhanced swim speeds, enhanced run speeds, echolocation, earth sense, and storm sense.

Civilization and Culture


Spirit born are rarely documented through early history and often portrayed as demonic entities or angelic beings depending on the culture they were recorded in. Instances of spirit born increased in frequency as time marched on.    Villages of Spirit Born popped up closer to 1200 AH, often hidden away. These villages consist primarily of Fiendborn in the west, while the further east vllages may be singularly Fiendborn, Seraphborn, or a mix.
Scientific Name
Sapiens Corruptum
70 years
Conservation Status
This species is affected by what we know as "pretty priveledge". Not all corruptions warp an individual in a negative way. One child may be born with purple skin and horns, while another with white skin and angelic wings. The ugly are generally considered to be born of a demon and are considered as such, while the beautiful are considered born of the gods and protected as if they were sent from the heavens.
Average Height
Average Weight
110 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Spirit born often have odd colors, unnatural to the other races, but it is highly possible to be born with their uncorrupted parent's traits:   Skin: purples, blues, reds, grays, golds, white, silver, emerald, and browns.    Hair: Red, blond, brown, black, silver, dark blue, and purple   Eyes: Pupile less pale white, gold, gray, topaz, black, red, and silver


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