Candle of Promise

There are many things to worry about in the day to day life of those who live in Eldûra, and the one thing you shouldn't have to worry about is if your God cares about you.   That is why the Candle of Promise was created. Made in the image of the Candle that was given to the survivors of the battle before the Shattering, the sight of a candle burning at the head of the Temple Sanctuary is there to remind all who enter that the Creator will never forsake them.   Sometimes people need a visual reminder or things that cannot be seen. The world is full of distractions and doubts often creep in...   A Candle of Promise can be found in every temple, house of faith, and castle cathedral dedicated to the Creator. It can be seen by all, no matter their station.   Some of the more radical and extreme believers in the Creator (who have misconstrued His decrees) believe that the light of the Candle of Promise will drive away Lofocûs, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Unfortunately, that belief is beginning to seep into the common folk's superstitions, risking tainting the candle's true purpose: that the candle is only a reminder, not some sort of supernatural weapon.  

Manufacturing process

The candle (which is catagorized as a "taper candle") is created by repeatedly dipping the candle's wick into the wax over and over until it reaches the desired size. The candle holder is forged from pure silver that is poured into a mold in sand that has been made by packing sand around a design carved into wood.  


This is an important symbol, a promise to the faithful that the Creator would never turn away from them, never forsake them, never grow bored and move on.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
There is one in every house of faith.
Raw materials & Components
The candle holder: made of pure silver and decorated with simple swirls.   The candle: made of silver beeswax, with a wick.


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