Displaced Zirynavin

"The day the Rot was released on the world was the day I knew the world would change forever... Often I wished I could do something to stop it in its tracks, but what could a dragon do in a world that feared him as much as they feared the Rot? I pity the Zirynavin. If only they could live in a place where nothing grows..."
— The Obsidian King
  One of the worst fates that could be inflicted upon someone is the fact that you have to flee your home in order to stay alive. It is a fate that is only made worse by the fact that many inflicted with this fate feel like they can't stay in any one location for too long.   Such is the fate and attitude of the Zirynavin who had to flee in order to escape the chance of contracting The Rot, an uncurable disease created by The Sorcerer Queen when she grew frustrated at not being able to corrupt them.    With a life span of 500 to 1000 years depending on the tree the Zirynavin is descended from, this leads them to long and lonely lives until they find the place they desire to sink their roots into at the end of their lives.


Major language groups and dialects

  • Common
  • Talnoran
  • Dazu
  • Bélaran

Shared customary codes and values

  • Loyalty to friends.
  • Loyalty to fellow Zirynavin.
  • Kindness no matter what.
  • Turn the other cheek – there is a reason why the aggressor is upset.

Common Etiquette rules

The fact that Zirynavin are known for being some of the most cordial, kind, and friendly races in Eldûra has not been lost on the Displaced Zirynavin. Even amongst the more jaded members they place their cordialness above their own feelings, often leading to clipped words that are forced through gritted teeth.  

Common Dress code

Displaced Zirynavin dress similar to how ordinary Zirynavin do: they tend to dress in human or elvish clothes in a similar fashion to the nearby human settlement.  

Art & Architecture

Displaced Zirynavin don't have much in the way of architecture as most are on the move constantly. But they have never lost their love of painting, drawing, and other forms of art that can be derived from plant materials.  

Foods & Cuisine

They tend to eat whatever food humans do, but their digestive tract can only handle small amounts of meat at a time. Thus, they tend to get their sustinance mainly from veggies and legumes.  

Major organizations

  • Forest of Tídatyr — a small enclave located in a forest comprised completely of one tree—the Rooted quaking aspen Zirynavin Tídatyr. Most Displaced Zirynavin make their way here in order to return to a normal life.
  • Church of Avva'ai — a denomination of the overall Faithful, followed mostly by Zirynavin members.
Parent ethnicities


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