Ipaethím — The Undercity

It is said that every city has a seedy underbelly, no matter how upstanding and safe it is on the surface. In every nook and cranny, where the shadows fall just a little too long, the unsavoury and evil can be found.   Thus, it isn't a shock that a "pleasure city" popped up in the Undercity.   Amongst the black market stalls and brothels, there are card dens and gambling halls where people can lose all their savings—if the thieves of The Thieves Lodge of Thím Gûthuwal don't get to their coin purse first—or their freedom, or even their lives.   The underworld can also be extremely dangerous to women, as many have disappeared under mysterious circumstances, only to pop up later in one of the brothels. There they remain until they are killed, as the undercity is so hostile towards city guards that none dare attempt any rescues for the missing women.   This has lead to a few desperate loved ones to actually reach out to the Thieves Lodge in hopes of hiring a thief to go rescue the woman. The Spectre Trio has plunged into the thick of Ipaethím more than once to try and rescue these missing women.


  • Human: 40%
  • Dwarf: 25%
  • Elf: 10%
  • Lofocûs: 10%
  • Hybrids: 5%
  • Wyvernthrope: 5%
  • Tree-people: 2%
  • E'duni: 1%
  • Elemental: 1%
  • Dragon: 1%

Industry & Trade

Ipaethím runs on the deals and profits generated by the black market. The black market in the Undercity is extremely lucrative and extremely dangerous, as those involved will protect their interests to the point of killing people. Human trafficking, money, unsanctioned goods, gambling, and sex trafficking all flow through the underground streets of the Blackrot Bazaar.  


The Satin Sultan's Lounge

A medium-sized "shop" that resembles a lounge from the deep-deserts of Beht'adur. With lavish carpets coating the floor, satin pillows scattered everywhere, and rooms divided by curtains of satin of pink, red, and orange, this is a business of quid pro quo. It is a place of information, where you can go to the Satin Sultan for information in exchange for something of equal value. But be careful, what the Sultan asks in return might be more than you'll be willing to give.  

The Auctionhouse

Where people go to sell or buy the stolen, exotic, or prohibited. Run by the Auctioneer, who has no qualms about what he sells, he works closely with The Finder to traffic anyone he manages to snare in his web. The Thieves Lodge also works with him to sell whatever stolen items they don't bother to try and randsom back to their owners.  

The Finder's Cardhouse

The Undercity's gambling den and secret trap. Many walk through The Finder's doors in hopes of striking it big, but most leave with lighter pockets—and many don't leave at all. This gambling hall is, in truth, a dark pit of despair that can easily swallow you up if you're foolish enough. Many losers find themselves swallowed up and fed into the human trafficking ring that starts in that hole.  

The Collector's Collection

An oddity amongst the other businesses in Ipaethím, it is half museum and half forgery factory. The Collector is a master forger, with the uncanny ability to mimic nearly every signature he sees. If you need something copied or a signature forged, the Collector is the man you will want to see. He is also a collector of refined tastes, and his museum is filled with the many, many unique findings and ultra-rare artifacts he has managed to collect (or steal) over the years.  

The Thieves' Lodge

The headquarters of the Thieves of Thím Gûthuwal, whose location is only known by the thieves themselves. Lead by the Hood, the Thieves steal mostly to randsom the items back to their owners. They view pickpocketing as beneath them. The items they don't randsom back to their owners they often sell through the Auctionhouse. They do not spend all their time stealing, though, and they will sometimes be hired to find things or people who have gone missing in the Undercity. This sometimes put them at odds with The Finder.  

The Nightwalker's Nightwares

A small, nondescript shop that is out-of-the-way from the heart of it all. Owned and run by a Lofocûs simply known as "The Nightwalker", it looks simple but really isn't. It first and formost serves Lofocot the simple things, like food and essentials, but in the back rooms of the shop is where things begin to be illicit.
pronounced: ih-pay-theme
Alternative Name(s)
The Blackrot Bazaar, The Market in the Dark, The Hedonism Exchange, The Fearless Fête
Underground / Vault
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners


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