Lanterns of Remembrance

Death is a natural part of life, and it comes eventually no matter what you try to do.   It is always hard to let go, and the memories of those loved ones and friends that pass away always cling to you and won't let go.   This is why the yearly Lantern Festival was created. Mourning and reminiscing is easier to manage together, and one way to remember them is with light. Everyone is encouraged to make a Lantern of Remembrance that represents the ones lost and this leads to unique lanterns that will eventually be consumed by their flames, being reduced to ash that will then sink to the bottom of the lake (or river, or even the ocean).   To almost everyone, this brings them comfort.  


The festival that gave birth to the tradition of the Lanterns of Remembrance dates all the way back to the end of the Epoch of War and the beginning of the Epoch of Snow when everyone who could was forced underground. So many died during the The Battle of Unspoken Grief, and so many more during their attempts to get to shelter. It was decided that some way was needed to remember the lost once everyone was settled. And thus the Lanterns of Remembrance was born.   Whilst in the caves, the lanterns were small, pocket sized, which allowed for more lanterns to be placed on the chosen body of water. The lanterns only got bigger when people were on the surface.   The Sorcerer Queen tried to snuff this tradition out during her reign due to the fact that people gathered for it and that lessened her control. This didn't stop the tradition and people just switched to doing it in their homes or alone at a nearby pond. Once the Sorcerer Queen was defeated, King Rymhûl reinstated the proper festival.  

Components and tools

Participation in the Lantern Remembrance Festival is relatively simple and can lead to a tradition that brings members of the family together. The Lanterns of Remembrance are crafted from parchment and a wick that curls about the bottom of the half-waterproofed bottom of the lantern so that as the wick burns, it will eventually set the lantern itself on fire and send it to the bottom of the body of water it had been placed upon.  


The Lantern Remembrance Festival is observed every year on the same day of the year. As the sun sets, people gather by the shore of whatever body of water they live near. They bring their lanterns down to the water and either set it down on the surface from the edge and push it out into the water or they can wade out into the water and set it down there while also getting wet.


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Aug 19, 2024 22:23 by Deleyna Marr

You've added a rich hint at your world by incorporating the way the body of water has grown in size as they've moved to the surface. Nice touch.

Aug 21, 2024 18:28

Thank you! <3