
Griffons are a kind of creature that has spread far and wide. While most are horse-sized and ridable, many have adapted and shrunk down to a more of a bird size.   Such is the case of the Raveffon, a pocket-griffon that appears to be a mix between a raven and a black alley cat. With a mix of both animals' personalities, it can either be friendly or standoffish. But it is relatively "easy" to befriend one, if you want to.   In Talnor, the opinion of black cats is the same as any other coloured cat, though black cats are viewed more favourably due to their history of blending into the shadows in order to escape The Sorcerer Queen's ire. Ravens, in turn, are viewed with suspicion due to how they hang around when there's death and decay. This results in mixed feelings when it comes to the Raveffon.   That doesn't stop from some liking them. Some citizens will leave out bowls of seeds or scraps, and there is a social phenomena called "The Raven Maidens" where lonely women will befriend the local ravens and raveffons and dress in dark or black colours. These women tend to be looked down upon and end up even more lonely.   Raveffons can be found in every city and town, and coexist with Grey Dove Griffon, with minimal to no territorial disputes.  

Basic Information


The raveffon is about the size of a house/alley cat, with the front of its body resembling a raven, its front legs resembling the claws of the bird. The back half of this creature's body resembles the body of a black cat. Their eyes are keen and full of intelligence, and their beaks are sharp.  

Genetics and Reproduction

Raveffons reproduce like birds, laying eggs despite the fact that half of their bodies resemble a mammal. They make little nests where they can find a sheltered place.  

Ecology and Habitats

These little griffons stick to living in cities and towns, never roosting too far out into the rural areas. Their day-to-day activities can annoy some, but they help to keep the rat and mouse population down, which is why they haven't been completely exterminated.  

Dietary Needs and Habits

Raveffons survive off of human food scraps and do not shy away from taking advantage of scavanging off of carcasses. A flock of raveffons and ravens are known to be able to pick a dead body clean of all flesh in a few hours.   They are useful, though. They help the cats of the city keep the rodent population down to the point that there have been little to no cases of rodent-born illness or tampered food stores.  

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Raveffons have the sign and hearing of a crow, and have the smelling capabilities of a cat.  
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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Aug 4, 2024 18:59 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them! I would definitely go out of my way to befriend them with little snacks. :3

Aug 4, 2024 19:58

Same! I would definitely become a Raven Maiden if I was an Eldûran. Thanks for your comment!