
It is said that if you're banished to The Forbidden Mountains, that's it. Your life is forfiet.   The Forbidden Mountains are extremely dangerous due to its environment alone. Many would succumb to the cold or to scurvey due to the lack of foraging knowledge, and many others would die either by being gored by wildlife or starving to death.   Thankfully, there is a refuge for those who are forced to live in the Forbidden Mountains—Rimebluff, the Gelid Sanctuary.  


All those who live within Rimebluff are Bélaran, and any "banished" from other countries or other races are simply, yet forcefully, sent back home. Banishments started because of annoying criminals who either kept escaping or were of the more unsavoury sort—like swindlers. But by the time of the 1000s of the Epoch of Summer, things had changed in the Court of Bélar and some of the nobles began to look to see if they could use the process of banishment to their advantage.   This resulted in several nobles and their families being falsely accused of horrible things when their rivals began to covet their holdings or businesses.  


"Baron Rava Greyday and Lady Luma Highforge are wonderful leaders! They keep Rimebluff calm and safe, and I never have to worry if my old life is going to sneak up on me. No one would dare to cross them, not because they are angry folk—no, no, it is because they are the exact opposite!"
— one of the Banished
  The first rulers of Rimebluff were the Greyday Family and those who had worked for them and had rented on their land. Baron Jonnel Greyday had taken his wife, Lúmii Greyday, and their daughter Imúna, son Eshe, and his nephew Ravvas Highforge, with him when he was banished to The Forbidden Mountains. He feared that they would either be taken advantage of by his rivals when he was gone or that they would be quietly killed in order to get them out of the way.   Thus, he and his whole family were taken to the Forbidden Mountains and abandoned in the depths. His loyal subjects eventually followed and found the family doing their best to eek out some sort of existance. They helped them find a better place to settle down, and an estate and town were built in a nook at the base of a sheer cliff.   Due to Jonnel and Lúmii being Baron and Baronness, respectively, they were appointed as the leaders of the fledgeling Rimebluff. Despite being no more than glorified mayors, their titles stuck and were thus passed down through the generations.   The government of Rimebluff is relatively straight-forward. The Baron is also the judge of the town, and the Baronness listens to the people's complaints every time they open the town hall twice a week. There is a committee that they also oversee that is comprised of the heads of the industries that were established in this little settlement, who serve to bring the wants and needs of the people into consideration.  


"My favourite thing about Rimebluff has to be the watermill near the center of town. The sight of the large wheel spinning slowly on a good day is so... calming."
— a Banished artist
  Despite the remoteness of Rimebluff, the refuge sports amenities such as a watermill, a small library, a town hall, a simple sewer that pipes the sewage away from the village bounds, a central square, a forge run by a dwarven blacksmith, cobblestone streets, and a small inn built into the tiny tavern.
Founding Date
1007 ESu
Alternative Name(s)
The Gelid Sanctuary, Banishedhome
Inhabitant Demonym
The Banished
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank


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