Shaeshaune Tashlahem

Shaeshaune Tashlahem (mainirri: 'traveller's meat biscuit'), or as it is known nowadays: Shaetash, is an all-in-one food staple for those who are on the road, going on expeditions, or are camping out in a remote location, away from civilization for long periods of time.   Shaetash is a travelling food that has a long shelf life if stored properly. A good store kept at a constant temperature can last at least a year before going rancid, as the large amount of animal fat inside of it helps keep it from going bad (like how you can have lard in the pantry for over a year).   This travel food has existed throughout most of the history of Eldûra and is probably one of the few things that helped the The Tempestuous Blades survive their first winter in Norëthir.   This foodstuff is almost identical to the real life indigenous Pemmican.  

Manufacturing process

  1. The meat is smoked over an open fire until the meat is completely dried.
  2. The meat is crushed up in a mortar and pestle or equivalent tool until the meat is in little pieces, almost powder-like.
  3. The meat is mixed with melted tallow (animal fat) in a 1:1 ratio.
  4. Dried fruit that has been ground into powder is then mixed in.
  5. The maple syrup or honey is then added.
  6. The shaetash is then packaged up in a rawhide bag and left to harden.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink


  • Meat (any kind of meat, i.e. venison, beef, pork, chicken, etc.)
  • Tallow (animal fat)
  • Fruit (i.e. cloudberries, gemberries, blackberries, raspberries, chokecherries, etc.)
  • Maple syrup or honey


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