The Emberknights

"Mama, I want to be an Emberknight when I grow up!"
— a common voiced desire of little boys

See those proud knights that accompany the king everywhere he goes? Those are the Emberknights, the king's most trusted companions and protective retinue that never stray too far from his side. Not to say that the king cannot hold his own in a fight—but even he cannot keep an eye on his own back in an ambush.   The Emberknights are a regiment comprised solely of men of a certain caliber. Each member is exactly the same height as King Rymhûl with great strength and skill with the sword, spear, glaive, or pike—all weapons that the king is skilled with. All knights sport of short beard, moustache, and chin-length hair of black hue (though hair colour is not contingent on whether or not one becomes an Emberknight. If the knight's hair colour is not black, it is dyed).   This is all so that each and every Emberknight can act as a doppleganger for the king if danger were to loom. When on the field, the king's armour is unique yet similar to the Emberknights', and if it comes down to it he will swap with one of the Emberknights in order to decieve the enemy.   The Emberknights do have an all-woman counterpart involved in espionage: The Cinderdames.  



The Emberknights are comprised of seven men at all times that are at the king's beck and call always. Whenever one of the knights are killed, he is replaced by a new knight after the new one has gone through some training.  


The Emberknights are equipped with a full suite of armour comprising of a great helm, bevor, chestplate (plackart), culets, pauldrons, rerebraces, couters, vambraces, gauntlets, faulds, cuisses, poleyns, greaves, and sabatons.   When travelling with the king they will wear a crimson cape cloak in order to ward off incliment weather, but they will not wear it when they are within city limits.   Each carries with them a bed roll and a small bag that carries a small wooden plate, a small wooden bowl, a wooden spork, and a small wooden cup.


These knights wield swords, glaives, spears, and pikes, with backup knives, in order to emulate the king.  


The main mode of transportation of the Emberknights are their horses, beasts they work with personally until they have a bond as close friendship, which allows them to charge into battle or to the rescue with no worry of any faltering.  



When it comes to recruitment for the Emberknights, it is extremely stringent. Not just anyone can become an Emberknight. On top of it being a male-exclusive regiment, it is also a human-exclusive. Only soldiers, knights, or adventurers of great promise even come onto the radar of the Emberknights' Captain. And then, recruitment doesn't begin until a knight is killed or one retires.
1st of the Epoch of Liberty
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Aug 11, 2024 03:30 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the complexity of why they are a male-only and human-only regiment. I have to wonder if they also recuit based on a height, or have a way of altering recruits that aren't quite the right height, since they have to be able to play the king.

Aug 12, 2024 19:11

Yep, a prospective Emberknight is only considered if they are they exact same height as the king. It sucks if you don't up making the cut. It definitely helps with cutting down on the literal tsunami of prospects though, lol! Thank you for the comment :D