The Giant Frost Crabs of Wrath's Rent

Not much is known about the sinister wilds of Wrath's Rent, a remote area along the shores that follow the eastern side of The Dragonstone Mountains. It has only really been explored in the last 300 years, since King Rymhûl has been on the throne.   Thus, no one except those in the extreme south of Bélar knew about the existance of The Frost Crabs and their much larger cousins, the Giant Frost Crabs, until King Rymhûl began to send expeditions to the area.   The meat of the Giant Frost Crab is just as delicious and succulent as normal crab meat, and the only distinction is quantity. Frost Crab meat is a part of southern Bélar cuisine, and can be substituted with Giant Frost Crab meat when needed.  

Basic Information


Giant Frost Crabs share a similar anatomical structure to the average crab and their small cousins, the Frost Crabs. They are decapod crustaceans and are covered with a thick exoskeleton. They have a single pair of pinchers on each arm and four legs on each side of their body. The exoskeleton is made of highly mineralized chitin (so mineralized that pieces of their exoskeleton that have been found feels like and weighs like stone) and large spikes of ice. And they breath from hybridized gills on their undersides that allow them to breath underwater as well as on land.   There is sexual dimorphism in this species, with male crabs sporting a larger light hand claw, which they use for communication and attracting a mate. Female crabs have a rounder abdoment so they can carry their eggs.  

Genetics and Reproduction

These crabs, if their relation to the Frost Crab can be fully relied on, attract a mate through visual, acoustic, and vibratory means. They will retreat to the ocean in order to mate belly-to-belly after a female accepts a male's elaborate mating dance that involves shuffling from side to side and long, fanciful waves with his larger claw.   Females can hold onto the male's genetic material for a long time after their meeting, which comes in handy if the female feels like she's in danger.  

Dietary Needs and Habits

Giant Frost Crabs are omnivores, gaining the most nutrients from the animals (and people) they eat, though they will snack on algae and aquatic plants between successful hunts.   These crabs will work together to provide food and protection for their family.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

From one Giant Frost Crab the Bélarans have managed to make use of the stone-like chitin in everything from armour, palisade reinforcements, buildings, and carriage reinforments. It is extremely good armour and one of the reasons why it is so difficult to kill them.   The meat of the Giant Frost Crab is a delicacy and one crab is enough to feed a small villiage for an entire winter.  

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Giant Frost Crab only roams the shores of Wrath's Rent.  
  "The Giant Frost Crabs: A lethal predator and chilly delicacy that can feed a small village for an entire winter. DO NOT FACE THIS CREATURE ALONE. Many have tried and have never been seen again!"
— Adventurer's Guide to Staying Alive, page 127, "Everything You Need to Know About Frost Crabs"
The average crab
100 years
Average Height
30 feet
Average Length
35 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark grey interspursed by the light blue or grey ice spikes in their chitin.


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