The Interloper

"My world died in silence because of this monster. My hands shake at the mere thought of him. He laughed as Olthûra was swallowed up piece by piece by the ever encroaching shadow, a manifestation of the world's slow and agonizing death. Woe to my world's ignorance! Kalqashûrath bade we worship him through fear and violence and rewarded his most faithful with everything they could ever hope for, while the rest of us trembled in fear at the mere thought of disobeying and were stripped of everything we most held dear."
— a passage from Q'Eramun'Thûz'Vaksh'Thell (known as 'Eramun' to his friends)
  "Worldkiller!" a dead world cries. "Faitheater!" the decieved shriek. "Interloper..." another world hisses. "Soulstealer!" the survivor bellows.  
Kalqashûrath, or "The Interloper" as he would be known in Eldûra, was a fire demon from Eldûra's dead sister world, Olthûra, and an Agent of the Undoer. He was the head of a pantheon of his own creation and the "husband" of the shadow demon Zarâksh, the "queen" of his pantheon.   With the help of his pantheon, he systematically turned away every living being in Olthûra from the creator by establishing the pantheon as the head of the mandated religion. Any who tried to resist and continue worshipping the Creator were killed. It took nearly five hundred years to achieve this, as kingdoms resisted at first—until he infiltrated them and made them kneel. When he finally had full control, only two remained who resisted, the last of the Monks Who Resisted, Benethaiah'Zhór'Vel'Nakth and a faithless thief named Q'Eramun'Thûz'Vaksh'Thell.   The Interloper came across them by accident where they hid in the basement of an abandoned temple dedicated to the Creator, which stood in the town abandoned by survivors fleeing the coming wall of shadow that could be seen in the distance.   When he went to kill them, a rift was ripped open and the two men were sucked through. Kalqashûrath followed them—and the rift slammed shut beind him. He didn't care.   That was the day the evil of Kalqashûrath came to Eldûra.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Interloper was a fire demon who looked like a corrupted Húmentari, while looked enough like one to give people pause. He appeared like a shadow that's on fire, wearing a mantle of visible flames while bright, almond-shaped dots of fire were his eyes. He could change his size at will, but favoured appearing before his worshippers with a 10 foot stature.  

Special abilities

As a fire demon, he had control over fire and shadow. He could change his appearance at will, and often walked amongst his worshippers in the guise of a human man of human height. He had a silvertongue and could bend the ear of most who listened to him.  

Personality Characteristics


The Interloper fed on the attention he gained from those who worshipped him. His ego was inflated by the fact that every mortal feared him. He was tasked by the Undoer to lead all of Olthûra astray and he undertook the task with gusto. The thought of decieving so many and acieving it filled his narssistic and psychopathic mind with a rush and feel-good feelings.  
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Burn for me!"   "Bow before me!"   "Sacrifice yourself and I will keep the Shadow at bay!" — His promise to achieve the impossible, and another deception.


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