The Librarian's Nook

There's something whimsical about an out-of-the-way place like a grove. With how the light filters down throught the leaves, how the leaves rustle gently in the breeze.   This is why the Zirynavin Hûlosähä (cave common: 'fiery leaf') decided to make her home in a grove located in the Dazuvellan foothills.   With solitary and great effort, Hulo created a small yet cozy space for knowledge and learning that, at first, was only known of by herself. It wasn't until the space had existed for a couple of years that she felt confident enough to tell others.   The Nook has been enjoyed by many but has never been flooded by a rush of people as it is only known by a few. But because it is known by the world, this has attracted the attention of The Athenaeum, who feel that it may benefit if the Nook belonged to the Nook.   But everyone who knows of the Nook wish for it to remain on its own. They feel that its cozy, isolated feel may feel crowded if there was a constant Curator presence.   


In a small valley, a dell really, lies a small clearing created by a small slide of gravel. Hûlosähä stumbled across it during an Athenaeum expedition and immediately saw its potential. Hulo had already been thinking about leaving the Athenaeum because she was beginning to feel stifled by the expectations and forced routines of the Athenaeum.   The Librarian's Nook is circular and shape. The gravel was cleared away and used to ring-in the area and prevent the encroachment of the forest. The gravel was replaced with level stone cobbles of random shapes, giving the floor of the space a beautiful mosaic pattern.   Maples, willows, and a couple of pines boarder in the space, and a small creek that runs through the forest nearby.   A sheer pavillion has been raised over the space in order to shelter the ring of bookshelves that have been built there to hold the myriad of books Hulo collected over the years. This allows the sun to trickle through down to the space below, without damaging the books and parchments that can be found there or making those who sit there too hot under the sun's rays.   It has been a couple of years since Hulo established this place, and she has since Rooted, becoming the tall and gorgeous oak tree that now stands in the middle of the space and props up the peak of the pavillion.
Alternative Name(s)
Hûlosähä's Grove, Hûlosähä's Clearing, Hûlosähä Lea, The Grove of Hûlosähä
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Aug 14, 2024 03:37 by Lady Wynter

I like how she turned a clearing she found into a library. What truly caught my attention was at the end when you talk about Hulo being Rooted. I love the idea of a sentient oak tree.

Bringing the Light
Aug 14, 2024 19:08

:) Thank you for the review! I would love to linger in such a place, but in reality I stop and wonder how I'd keep rain and mist from wrecking the books... There must be a way... hmm...