The Meteor Impact of the Battle of Unspoken Grief

"Behold! Our death commeth! A star has broken and has brought our end to us! We may not die by blade today, but we will die all the same."
  The Battle of Unspoken Grief was the culmination of a long and unending war between the forces of good and evil, the free and the forces of the Undoer.   So many died. Kings and soldiers died alike as the evil hoards manifested from the shadows and grouped together to swallow up the world. Humans, elves, dwarves, E'duni, and mentari came together to beat back the darkness, and the war stretched on for nearly three centuries.   No matter how hard they fought, the Free people were slowly beginning to be beaten back. Land was being lost to the darkness no matter what they did and people were dying left and right.   Eventually, they were pushed back to The Valley of Crystal, a home of the Mentari and a place where they cultivated gorgeous crystalline trees. The stars themselves seemed to hold their breaths and even The Guard, a constellation, seemed to turn and watch with bated breath.   The King of Mainirr was the first to fall in battle, followed by his youngest son. Then the King of Dazuvell and the King of the Elves. Soon, the only leaders left were the King of Eldondi and the King of the Dwarves.   One of the Ëstmentari, who had been a good friend with the King of the Elves and the King of Dazuvell, succumbed to the desperation that came with such tragedy and took one of the asteroids orbiting Eldûra and pulled it down. With a mind that could barely comprehend what repercussions would follow such an action, he brought the meteor down on the battlefield and obliterated everything. The two remaining kings barely reached safety before the battlefield was crushed beneath the unimaginable weight of the falling mountain.   The meteor (or meteroid if you want to be technical) carved a long, long scar into the ground, ending with a massive crater that sported a lava sea that took over a century to solidify. It completely destroyed the Valley of Crystal and any Mentari that still dwelled within the area and reduced the town that stood to the east to ruins.   The Ëstmentari saw the devastation he had caused and was horrified. His mind broke further and he disappeared into the crater, never to be seen again.   The impact threw up so much dust and debris into the atmosphere that the sun was blocked out and global temperatures plummeted. The air grew hard to breathe and people were forced to hide underground as the temperature sank down into unlivable levels.  
The sky is falling down...
Blood drips upon their crowns...
Woe to us who wished to be free,
As our efforts brought death to me and thee...
Forgive us, Genesúr, our Father...
As we lead ourselves to the slaughter...
— a poem written by the King of Eldondi, 1 ES
Metaphysical, Elemental


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