The Starbound Astrolabe

The Starbound Astrolabe is a chronologicaly-enhanced astronomical instrument dating back to the Epoch of Recovery. It serves primarily as a star chart and physical model of visible heavenly bodies, and due to the fact that the Creator guided The Steward in making it, it also warns of incoming danger. Its various functions also make it an elaborate inclinometer and analog calculation device capable of working out several astronomical problems.   This device is able to measure the altitude above the horizon of a star or planet, no matter if it is day or night, can be used to identify stars and planets, to determine local latitude given local time (and determine the time using the local latitude), to survey, or to triangulate position. It is considered the first known multi-functional tool, and it would go on to inspire the creation of the Common Astrolabe.   The navigational applications of this device work best on land or on calm seas, but rough seas that cause uneven footing lowers its usefulness greatly.   When the Steward created the Starbound Astrolabe, the Creator built in a useful function that has never been replicated in anything else: a warning before disaster, a form of protection against danger. The Astrolabe doesn't exist fully in the present, and that it exists throughout all time at the same time, starting at the moment it was finished. This gives it the ability to warn the person holding it that danger is approaching, the symbols and writing on it lighting up with a crisp white light.   The Steward has given the Astrolabe to heroes that have needed it, but it always makes its way back to him when it is no longer needed. It has been 'destroyed' once or twice, but because it exists slightly outside time, it has always rematerialized back in the Starbound Observatory.  


This Astrolabe appears to be made out of an alloy that is comprised of silver and an unknown metal that does not exist on Eldûra. It gives the Astrolabe a durability that silver alone could not. It is studded with gemstones and diamonds that highlight the positions of the planets and stars.
Item type
Navigational Aid / Instrument
Current Holder
3 lbs
18in x 18in


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