The History of Eldûra

From the beginning to the very end of time and from the Shattering to the Realization of the Worlds, Eldûra has a long timeline that seems impossible in comparison to Earth's known 6,000 + years of history.

The Epoch of Spring

... 225

This epoch is the first, and blossomed with all the hope of spring after a long and cold winter. And though it blossomed with hope, it eventually grew stale as the people grew distant from and began to take advantage of the Creator's love.

The Epoch of Understanding

226 1257

The Epoch of Snowfall

3079 3380

An epoch that began with a violent impact from space that kicked up debris into the atmosphere, blocking out the sun. It then proceeds to snow unendingly for around 300 years. The epoch ends the year people were able to begin living on the surface again.

  • 3180 TA

    10 /4
    3184 TA

    16 /5

    The Thaw
    Era beginning/end

    The first spring in hundreds of years. A slow process of melting and the stablization of the climate that gradually brought life back to the surface.

The Epoch of Recovery and Grief

3381 5438

The epoch spanning the world's recovery after the meteor's impact, the rise and takeover of the Sorcerer Queen and the demotion of Eldondi from a kingdom to a duchy, and ends with the defeat of the Sorcerer Queen at the hands of King Rymhûl.

  • 10 ERG

    12 /5

    Founding of Bémoth

    The town of Bémoth is established.

  • 492 ERG

    12 /6

    Stellar Cataloging
    Discovery, Scientific

    Elven scientist Mihabil Fëvir begins to catalog each and every star that could be seen from his remote manor atop the mountain he named Gan Faim (Ganna Faimen in modern Mëhar and Génna Vym in Talnoran).

  • 641 ERG

    10 /5
    641 ERG

    22 /9

    The Great West to East Fire
    Disaster / Destruction

    A wildfire roars to life—how and why was never discovered, though most agree it was caused by a natural thunderstorm. It grows so quickly and so vast that many are forced to flee and it refuses to be put out until the autumn.


The Epoch of Liberty

5439 and beyond

  • 1 EL

    A New Reign Begins
    Political event

    The new era begins with the coronation of a new ruler, an event that was held as soon as the year ended. Under the countless stars, Rymhûl was crowned before the whole of the kingdom, which he renames 'Talnor'.
