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Zydrians (Zay-dree-in)

the zaydrians are a xenophobic race of gecko like aliens that origanated on the planet Xecarro. they were one of the origanal interstllet races and quikly esablished the Zaydrian Empire. they once had good relations with the eletraxians but they soured after a joint ocupation of a planet went sideways.

Basic Information


this species evolved from gekos

Genetics and Reproduction

Zaydrians reproduce with out need for a male, as such makes tend to go into the army and females tend to work in litrally anything else.

Growth Rate & Stages

stage 1: hatchling, young Zaydrians from 1-12 considered children stage 2: morphling, teenage Zaydrians, considered old enough to work and join the army ages from 13-25 Stage 3: full adult, considered full grown, Allowed to be teachers (rare), generals, and commanders. 25-150 stage 4: elder, allowed to be advisors and teachers,allowed to reproduce. banned from entering or reentering the military. 150-200

Ecology and Habitats

they are native to Xecarro a planet full of deserts and jungles.


the are racist and Xenopobic, with a strong military tradition

Additional Information

Social Structure

the emperor: a god like figure who rules over all Zaydrians with an iron fist. priests: priests of the Zaydrian God morath. the generals: the generals of the Zaydrian army, Navey, and special forces. soldiers: soldiers of the army by rank. citazens: citazens acording to a social credit system. undesirables: zaydrain with defects or disabilitys all other races

Average Intelligence

they are sentiant but most are not massivly intellagent, with some exeptions

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Gender ideals in Zaydrain sociaty are as follows men: traditonally teachers and soldiers woman: litrally everything else though there is no laws barring men from joining other jobs.

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Common Etiquette Rules

hand in fist placed across chest to salut high officers or a higher rank.

Common Taboos

Taboos include speaking to the emporer with out permission being captured failing military training

Common Myths and Legends

there myth says that the god Morath has given them the right to expaned and exterminate all who stand in there way.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

they dipise all other races
Scientific Name
malum lacertae
200 years
Conservation Status
Xecarro Is nothing but jungles and deserts so the Zaydrians must relay completely on their colonies for food and supplies. This has lead to an aggressive expansion totaling with 5% of the known universe under there control.
Average Height
2.5 meters
Average Weight
55 to 100 lbs
Average Physique
geko like with long tails
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
they come in colors of blue, rusty red, brown, grey, and orenge.
Geographic Distribution
Related Technologies

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