Adventure Food Day Packet

The Adventure Food Day Packet is designed for individuals who are frequent travelers and adventurers. Its purpose is to give travelers or those stranded in a dungeon a respectable supply of food and nourishment. Depending on which variety of packet you get, how much nutritious content and healthy nourishment it has. The some of the item will spoil in a week or two while other last long time.

What Come in the Packet

Simplé Packet: will help you get by, and we'll give you enough food to finish the task at hand. Depending on your preferences, it typically comes with either a sort of dried meat or nuts. A dried fruit or vegetable, followed by a rice ball or a potato and some cracker.

Basic Packet: Most people believe that the Basic Packet is the finest for any kind of expedition. This has more nutritious content for the arduous work ahead of it, but it also has enough all the food will stay fresh. There will be two varieties of flavored nuts or dried meat. It contains a few cheese sticks, and few rice balls or a large potato, as well as some dried fruit and vegetable. along with a little dried-out bread roll.

Luxury Packet: includes two cooked sausages, dried meat, or four varieties of flavor-varying nuts. A few cheese sticks, three types of dried fruits, and three types of dried vegetables it highly suggest to eat 1st. Becouse it will go bad first before anything else. It also come with one fresh fruit and vegetable first. Several slices of bread are also included. Finally, a shot of ale or a little energy drink.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
All can be found in most kingdom. What type meat, nuts, veggies, fruit, and other ingredients will vary depending on location region
Base Price
Simple 1Gp Basic 2GP Luxury 5GP

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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Aug 30, 2024 05:58 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there! Just letting you know that I featured your article as a main in my Reading Challenge. Thanks again for sharing! God bless. <3  

This was an excellent take on a FOOD OFTEN EATEN BY TRAVELERS! Whenever it's time to make a FOOD ITEM, I somehow get thrown off by the template. It just...for some reason...doesn't feel right to make food into an item. But it technically is one. Valcin completed this prompt wonderfully, not only making a food item, but fashioning it into a packet for travelers. I liked to read about the different choices that could exist within these ration packets, and the wording of the article made me super curious about the world! This entry reinforced the fact that food can definitely fit into an item template and there are several creative ways to go about doing it!

Sep 1, 2024 16:16 by Marc Zipper

That's amazing, thank you for such a high praise. I had fun making this for my players because I didn't like the way Pathfinder built their food packs. So, I decided to make one that was more usable and realistic in my world. I would like to say thank you and I'm glad that it inspired you.

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin