Animate The Dead Spell in Elema | World Anvil

Animate The Dead

Animate the Dead is one of the School of Necromance  core spells. The spell give you the power to reanimate a dead corpse into a zombie or to give their bones new energy so that they can move on their own, transforming them into skeletons. This spell is one of the main reasons the necromancy school has a poor reputation.


This spell transforms any sentient animal or any sentient bean corpse into The Walking Undead. This could take the form of a zombie or skeleton under the power of the caster.

Your commands will be followed by nearly animated dead. They are capable of performing simple tasks. They will attack, follow you, and retrieve your belongings. You can also instruct them to remain in the Pacific area and attack any creature that enters. They will last until you decide to return them to the soil or they are destroyed. In most circumstances, a course can only be animated once. It appears that magic cannot enter the body again. So when it is destroyed or you undo your spell that it for that corps.
Material Components
Tourmaline must be black, green, or purple in color. (each worth at least 25 GP per Hit Die/ LV of the undead) Opal or black diamond can be used, however these are usually more expensive and difficult to acquire. This spell also requires a small amount of blood.
Gestures & Ritual
You use Tourmaline. Put some blood on it. Then you pour arcane energy into it, invoking your spell. As you saying incantation, move the stone in a Figure 8, heart and up side down triangle motion, and keep changing your arcane energy into it.  when you finish incantation you plunge it into the corpse. The Tourmaline then fuses with the corpse or bones, causing the dead body or bones to move.
Related School
Related Element
Sprit and Will are the minim energy to use this spell. if you can use one elements that work for healing it make easier to cast.
Effect Duration
Until released or destroyed
Effect Casting Time
1 full round action
Lv 3
Applied Restriction
To animate a corpse you must understand it's biology. A required skill for animate animal corpses is knowledge of nature. The required skill for a sentient being corpse is the healing skill. To use this spell, all you have to do is invest one rank into the required skill.

Nobody on the globe is born with this ability. This spell is a learned ability or a gift given to you as a follower of the Goddess or God.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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