Base Slime

Slimes are one of the most simple but useful monsters around. With their clear body structure able to absorb anything. Once they absorb their first thing, they will become that type of Slime based on what they ate. Their body will take on a new color and physical properties of a liquid held in with a plasma membrane. The type of liquid will depend on what they had consumed and then they will want more Substances that correlate with that liquid.

Now Slimes have several reputations about them. From easy-to-slay monsters for beginning adventurers. On the flip side, bigger Slime is some of the deadliest things that adventure come across. Also, there's a phobia for some people that Slime is used by perverts to remove clothing. They're also known as great tools for Wizards and Alchemists in their wild experiments. So these Slime do have a variety of uses and people have several thoughts about them.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Type of Small and large Slime

  • Blues Slime is the most common Slimes In the world. They are water-based Slimes that come in a variety of blue shades. They will consume the most liquid but they preferably will just want water
  • Crimson Slime was a Blue Slime or Base Slime that have consumed blood. They now become Crimson Slime they now only consume blood. They also have the nickname Vamp Slime.
  • Dark Green Slime is a corrosive slime depending on the plants and minerals they have absorbed will depend on the type of corrosive acid that their body is made of.
  • Light Green Slime is poison Slime that absorbs both plants and meats. depending on what they have absorbed into their body will depend on what type of poison their body has been made of.
  • Pink Slime is known as gummy slime. They are one the stickiest slimes to come across. They will absorb wax, elastomer, Sap, and a few other sticky substances.
  • Black Slime is the tar Slime, the other sticky slime. They absorb Tar, coal, wood, petroleum, peat, and bone.
  • Yellow Slime is the syrup Slime. Their bodies are made of a sweet liquid slightly sticky. they absorb tree sap, sugar, and other sweet things.
  • Gold Slime is amber Slime one of the rarest Slime to come across. That's only because it needs a specific type of tree sap is absorb or amber itself
  • Gray Slime is known as the metal's Slime. They are one of the very few Slimes that can harden themselves. They consume all types of metal and their bodies are made of liquid metal.
  • Light Brown Slime is known as alcohol Slime. The body is made of some form of ale or bourbon. They absorb the stuff you make alcohol out of or alcohol itself.
  • Dark Brown Slime is known as the bottom feeder's Slime. They are also technically a liquid waste Slime. They literally absorb anything they are happier with the older the better. They want disgusting moist, rotted, and every other flavor that you know something has gone bad on their favorite meal order.
  • Purple Slime is known as juice Slime. They only absorb fruit depending on the type of fruit that got ahold of will be depending on the what they would taste or smell like.
  • Red Slime is known as magma Slime. they tend to mostly just absorb magma and other rocks. but they do have the ability to absorb fire as well.

Types of Exotic Slime

  • Gelatinous cube what's a blue sign that a wizard/Scientist has expired on making them bigger and increasing their elasticity and sticky properties.

Genetics and Reproduction

Slimes tend to split off after they have consumed enough food and stored up enough energy. Any Slime that splits off no matter the type of slime. Will have a 50% chance of being a base Slime or a 50% chance of being the same type that the parent Slime is.


Slime are basic animel type monsters they just go around consuming and reproducing. They do like staying near each other for the most part. Most Slimes does not show a sign of greater intelligence. So most Slime will not attack you unless they are defending themselves or you enter their territory or you step on them.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Slimes do not have sight or hearing. What they do have is a magical sight and vibration sensors. They are able to sense all types of magical auras around everything. They also can feel air vibrations that is how they detect sound and other stuff. They also seem to have a sixth sense of where the food that they want to consume is

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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