Chikyu Branch of Nourishment

Chikyu Branch of Nourishment is one of 3 sacred artifacts bestowed upon us by the [Goddess Chikyu . It is a bronze tree branch with a stem on one side and five branches on the other, each with leaves and a berry. The leaves come in yellow, red, and orange colors. The fruit is small, spherical, and the hue of emerald.

If you eat the berry, you will feel strong and full for the next 12 hours. You will be able to push your body without feeling tired, fatigued, or hungry. After 12 hours, you will start getting tired like normal and you will feel exceedingly hungry, as if you have not eaten in two days.

When using the Chikyu Branch of Nourishment to brush over the ground. The leaves and fruit will begin to fall and absorb into the soil. This will enrich the soil and allow it to absorb more water. This will provide an excellent spot to produce fruits and vegetables. The harvest from this location will most likely be the healthiest and largest you have seen in the area where use the Chikyu Branch of Nourishment.

by Valcin (Marc Zipper)


A famine struck a major town, decimating the land. They couldn't get anything to grow, so their food supply was limited. People were hungry and lost hope. That's when Root Priestess Sierra gathered the devout and the entire village. She sat down, invited everyone to pray, and really asked the goddess to aid us and take care of the land, bringing it back to life. Reminding them that they are not the only ones suffering; animals and plants are also affected. This is the time when we need her advice and divine assistance. She expressed hope and love in her words, and they then prayed to the goddess.

The goddess responded, "Keep telling everyone that the land will grow again if you follow my ways." And a tree grew up, dropping a limb with multicolored leaves and emerald fruit. My darling Sierra, here's a tool to assist you repair the land while allowing the people to work and care for it. Once the famine is over, you will be one of three Kinno Nikki yoube know Kinno Nikki of Daiju the one who care for the land. you will assist in the construction of my church in The Followers of the Sacred Divine 8  We are going to start helping the planet, and you will show them how to tenderly care for the Elema.
Item type
Unique Artifact
There is only one in the world
4 feet long

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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