Chuck's Shift Bracers

These full-arm bracers are made of an orange steel. When looking a the top you can see a large perfectly oval obsidian gem over the hand. in the middle of the forearm, you have a large raised circle of brass. Inside the brass circle, you have a yellow diamond. Within the circle, you see many engravings that tie in the enchantments to the bracer. Starting at the raised section you have yellow leyline crystal embedded into the bracer. The leyline crystals are resonating out from the center to the edges of the bracers. 

When you are wearing both Bracers and turn both brass circles counterclockwise. they begin to light up. Then you were thinking to feel. When you feel that weird feeling all over your body. That means you are now invisible and able to walk through solid objects as you like. Not even other people who use phase-type magic can hit you. The only thang that affects you is gravity and the ground. These bracers make you near Unstoppable but there is caught. The more use the more you will start to notice when you turn it off you will be shifted for a little bit of time longer. If you keep using them after this that to happen. You begin to go through sold randomly without the bracer even be on you. Until you become a full-out phase. It can happen at any time so be careful.
Item type
These are One of a kind. No one know how these are made or would make a new set
2.5 lb
Base Price

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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