
Scale mail that can be pulled off and changed into a dagger.


Bonus Max DEX Bonus Armor Check Penalty Arcane Spell Failure % Speed (M) Speed (S)
6 4 -4 25% 30ft 25ft

Special: Grab scaled and remove it with several others into a +1 Magical Dagger 1d4 Physical + 1d4 Darkness for each dagger  -1 AC
Cost: 1600 GP
Weight: 15lb


by Marc Zipper (Valcin)

Mechanics & Inner Workings

You'll take a piece of scale mail and, as you pull it, say a command phrase that will start transforming into a Dagger. Several scales will be rebuilt into the dagger, weakening the armor and providing you with a lethal weapon. The armor can only make six daggers. When it made the sixth dagger all that will be left on your will be the caller holding all the scales. When this occurs, you are left with no protection.

To return the dagger to the armor, place it next to the caller and utter the command word. The dagger will fuse back into the collar and the scales will begin to fill in the gaps in the armor. The dagger is a magical +1 with a transmitted aura. It deals 1d4 physical damage as well as 1d4 darkness damage. 1 Ac of protection is lost for each dagger used.
Item type
Secret organizations and Rogue-like institutions produce this type of scale mail. A master, Black Smith, Enchanter, or Carftchnter could possibly figure it out and construct it. Most establishments won't have it because it's an item that's usually utilized for assassinations or other activities that necessitate sneaking in a weapon.
Base Price
1600 GP

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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