Dimensional Pocket Circuitry

A recent development of technology called Dimensional Pocket Circuitry makes it possible to store any nonliving Substance in a space pocket. Because of its smaller spaces, can story more stuff in them. The dream of the pack rat, along with traders and other individuals.


Anything that fits inside the lid can be placed inside the Pocket dimension up to size of the Pocket Dimension.A dimensional pocket space will be as big as the designer wants and can make. Time has no effect on anything inside the Pocket DImension; nevertheless, if it needs oxygen or another substance to breath, it will die; otherwise, it will remain in a state of perfect stasis, appearing to be alive rather than decaying. Plants die as well even thought they look like they haven’t withered. It not know why this happen. Object in the Pocket Dimension weighs 1/8 of its true weight when you pick up the container. If you try to put a another item with a dimensions of any active. It will operate like magnets that push away from one another, so you cannot place one any two item into the other. If you use magic to telport any where in Elema it will be fine. Be aware that teleporting to a different realm does one of three things. The 1st possibility it will explode and everything will go flying. The 2nd possibility everything will implode on self and disappear and be gone forever. The 3rd possibility is that everything will transform to resemble the realm you visited, and nothing will return to normal when you return.


Needs to be constructed out of a sturdy, firm material; fabric isn't really an option; instead, you should use stable materials like leather for bags or chests. when the object or location is constructed using a circuit. You see a void-like black, purple, and blue tint void like when you open the item storage space. You know it was  was  built correctly, if you can see it. Now, in the event that the structure sustains any damage, the circuitry will be ruin and causing the pocket dimension to expel everything inside of it at great force.

Social Impact

Because of the circuitry, products with this are in great demand. however, due to the high cost and quantity of materials required to produce these products. They are only affordable to wealthy Adventures, well established merchants, and nobility. So this tech has potential to help in a lot of different fields. If someone has one, you can be sure they're succeeding in it. However, the tech will make you highly sought-after targets for rogue and thift. In certain kingdoms, it is starting to alter the way that shipping is done.
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Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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