Fairy Are from Feywild

Some people around the world believe that fairies come from the Feywild. That is the story of Feywild is old and lot out all over the world. Fairies and Pixies have been compared to these stories, lore, and history. Despite being in the metaverse, the Feywild creatures managed to cross over on their own from time to time. 

The ones that cross over are either very small creatures that have slipped through the world, similar to fairies and pixies but considerably smaller. They are initially exceedingly attractive and sparkling, leading many to believe they are miniature fairies. Even though they're brownies. So the story and rumors about brownies have been transferred onto fairies.

There are other Feywild who come to our realm on their own. Leanansidhe has been compared to elves or humans in terms of height and beauty, and they actually have four wings, just like fairies. They are incredibly smart and clever, and they are cunning and clever, which has caused great suffering and power at a cost. This has also put a strain on Fairy and their kingdom's ability to negotiate, bargains, and peace treaties because they are constantly concerned that the Fairies will have something devious up their wings. Some Fairy not trusted specific species because of the way they were treated in the past.

Now, even stories that do not involve identical species of Fey dwellers to the fairy. Some people have mistaken any story about the Fey for a fairy. It has occasionally led to mistrust and war with the fairies. Fairy is from Elema and blessed by the Kaze with the blessing of the wind. Fey creature's only blessing of their Court which is not wind. Sadly even today, some people believe that fairies are out to get them and will steal their children.
Related Species

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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