Golem Core

This Is what you need to make a Golem. It Is the brain and the heart of the Golem It is sphere like weave. It what give the Golem  it energy and what command it know

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It works like this it put into the Golem it is the energy source thought the cotion of the material and Bone mixter . it also has what the program so it will take control and do the order it be giving or movie the way it was designed to. Yes you can put more than one in the Golem it will give twice more power and you divide up the scrip or write more script into it
Item type
It depends on the area there are some kingdoms that use for some part of their life. Others who think the tech is a danger or messing with the dead
It vary
It all over the scale
Base Price
Depending on what use to make it but not cheep enven use cheap matraila
Raw materials & Components
  1. Bone mixture use for enrichment and to give living energy. The closer the bone came from a creature that is close to the shape of Golem the easier it write what can do. it will give you a start place for writing
  2. The material the Golem  is made of 
  3. Lot Magical energy
  4. A type metal

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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