Grafting of Life and Union

Grafting of Life and Union is the Sacred Church of Chikyu ritual of untied two people in love together for time and eternity. This is the ritual for two lovers informing Chikyu Goddess of Earth that they are ready to be together and start a new life with each other. To have Chikyu Graften their life and soul together with her blessing.


Initially, we'll go over the necessary preparations. First, seek permission from all three of your Root Priest/ess . If they are willing to perform the ceremony, they may require you to complete certain lessons or conduct an interview, depending on what they believe is required.

Next, you must find a suitable tree for the ceremony. You may use the one in theEarth Goddess House of Unity courtyard,you may also select a tree with significant emotional value or one that serves as an ideal venue for the event.

After securing the tree, your next task is to find clothing for both of you. The style is entirely up to you, allowing for personal expression. However, the garments must be handcrafted, not magically created or manufactured. The trimmings should be orange, symbolizing the end of your solo existence, with dark green as the secondary or base color to represent the beginning of your new life together. Beyond these guidelines, the design can be anything that resonates with you. For instance, some couples have chosen garments with elaborate embroidery and orange trim on a beautiful blue hide dress instead of using dark green as the base color.

You and your partner must then decide on a plant that will symbolize your union. The most common choice is a living plant that is easy to care for, though some couples opt for a baby tree or bush that they can later transplant.

Lastly, you will need to choose the details of the henna to be drawn on one of your arms. One of you will choose the left arm, and the other will choose the right, signifying your connection and commitment. The color of the henna—either copper brown or emerald green—should also be selected. The design will feature branches and leaves extending from your shoulder to your knuckles. It’s become traditional, though not required, for the arm with the henna to be sleeveless.

  Once all preparations are complete, your family and friends will gather around the tree, facing the three Root Priest/esses. Before them will be a brown pot filled with fresh soil, adorned with the symbol of Chikyu. The specific designs and decorations will reflect the cultural background of the participants.

When the Root Priest/ess calls you and your partner forward, you will emerge from opposite sides of the tree, ensuring that the arm with the henna is oriented toward the roots. You will meet in the center and interlock your hands, placing your fingers on each other’s knuckles. One Root Priest/ess will begin reciting the blessings and prayers, while the other two will complete the henna by adding the contrasting color, drawing from your parten fingers down and around your wrist. Once they have finished, they will use a special henna ink to draw a green flower in the center of your wrist and on the knuckle behind the middle finger.

After the flowers and chant are completed, all three Root Priest/esses will ask, "Will you two (Names) be blessed by Chikyu for the rest of eternity?" You and your partner will then respond, "Yes." The Root Priest/esses will raise their hands to the tree and proclaim, "We graft your two bodies, minds, souls, and hearts together." They will then lower their hands onto your wrists. The two Root Priest/esses who completed the henna will place their hands on the wrist flowers, while the chanting Root Priest/ess will place a hand on each of your middle fingers.

As they finish the ritual, the henna will begin to glow and move, wrapping around the wrist and middle finger, with vines extending from the wrist to the finger in both colors. The flowers will glow in two different hues, representing the merging of your auras, with the petals filling in a gradient of both colors.

Finally, the Root Priest/esses will introduce you as a newly bonded couple."We'd like to introduce the new couple, and they're going to show you all their first act of dedication and love to both Chikyu and themselves by planting a plant that they'll care for and grow as they do." They will invite you to plant a seed in the pot as your first act of dedication and love to both Chikyu and each other. As you plant the seed and sprinkle water over it, your family and friends will celebrate your union.
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Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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Aug 25, 2024 23:41 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

great start on this article! Definitely need to polish after SC judging ends!

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!
Aug 29, 2024 03:58 by Marc Zipper

Ya I just took another look and see what you mean. Thanks for reading it

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Aug 31, 2024 03:56 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

Absolutely! Great start - it just needs finishing. Lots of great stuff here!

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!
Aug 28, 2024 19:51

How can you write so many details? It is just unbelievable.

Aug 29, 2024 04:03 by Marc Zipper

For this article, I researched a variety of wedding cultures and customs from both our world and fantasies, and then began to consider how my Earth Goddess and her follower would plan  and execute a ceremony. I just went step by step, putting together what I thought sounded fun. Thank you for the compliment; I am glad you enjoyed it.

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin