
Harmonians are a blend of cultures and customs that have evolved over time. It all started with the founding inhabitants of this new Kingdom. Seven adventurers and many people who had recently survived a Bloody Fist War and had nowhere to go. Start it up a city worked together as more refugees from the Great War arrived and began to assist. Eventually becoming a large metropolis, then a vast kingdom know has Harmony] . With all of these many different species, consumer experiences, and life experiences can be shared and implored. Thanks to all the people who survived has shaped the people of harmony into who they are now.

Naming Traditions

Family names

When it comes to choosing family names, people often adopt one of two approaches. They have recently migrated to harmony, and they want to us their original cultural practices or, in certain people, try to preserve their cultural history and keep their old traditions. The harmony way is when two people are married and they choose which family name they want to keep. It is a vital decision for a pair to decide which family name to take and carry on the family line. Once this is decided, the children that are born from this union will be given the same name. This was done so that if there is one, parent try for one type of kid or need a picfic gender to get the family power. The founders did not want children to have deal with idea from other kingdom.


Foods & Cuisine

Food is extremely diverse and comes from all over the continent. This Kingdom is home to a diverse range of species and cultures. It paved the door for the development of many food styles, cooking methods, and other traditions that have since become common to the people. The kingdom has an excellent trading route, so they can acquire restaurants and stores full of meat seasonings, fruits, and vegetables from all over the continent and even the world.

Coming of Age Rites

When a child completes Basic School, they are given the necessary education to live. It's time for the Door Party. It is a party to commemorate their grads and their future plans. It was held two months after the class's graduation.

For the last six months of school, students will have the opportunity to test different fields and determine what they want to do based on their experience. It comes down to three alternatives. They can begin an apprenticeship in which they can study, learn, and gain hands-on experience in a craft or skill that they intend for the career they want. Go to a higher education learning institution to expand their academic knowledge and expertise in a particular field. The last to begin working in the fields and join one of the guilds. Then, two months before the celebration, they are required to complete everything and make a strategy for the foreseeable future.

During the party, there will be food, drinks, celebrations, friends, family, teachers, and, of course, having fun. The main event occurs in the middle of the party, when each student comes up to explain their future plans, and if a representative from the job, college, or apprenticeship is there, they will come up and welcome the student to their next step. Then both will step through the publicly propped door and close it. This is the civilizing of the transition from childhood to adulthood and the next step in their lifes. The rest of the night is a party, with everyone having a good time and living it up.

Historical figures

Welcome to class. Today we will discuss the founders of harmony. They are also referred to as the heroes of the horrific first war. We'll begin with a brief overview of what they were and did for the Kingdom. As well as go over what they were as an adventurer group known as Chain Muse.

First, we will discuss Tom Silva, the Kingdom of Harmony's first Hearthstone. He was an excellent leader who could bring multiple people together and maximize their potential. Well-being a leader he would work with the other and have a wonderful time. As an adventure, he was an expert in the rapier and Illison magic. In addition, she is the group's storyteller and singer. He would narrate the stories of their grand adventurers, as well as those of other heroes to keep everyone entertained. Hearthstone Silva was the outstanding individual who helped us build our magnificent Kingdom.

Kanon The Salamander was the only member of the hero party who did not take up a government position. Instead, he created the first eatery in the Kingdom of Harmony while the city was being created. The salamander grub has been present since the Kingdom's inception and continues to exist today. This location offered nourishment for all of the travelers and survivors. Kanon was an exceptional cook as well as a sword master. He mastered both his sword and his flame, as do most Ifrit. He used his blue fire to ignite his Katana to kill all types of foes. That he did serve up to the group during their escapades. If you want to taste some of his old recipes, go down to the salamander bro, where they still serve them.

Alica Stratus became one of our first chain links. She contributed to developing aviculture farming and the Hunters Guild. She helped the city become self-sufficient and capable of taking care of itself. Providing food for all refugees and those who have settled here. Kanon and her began thinking out various trading routes to obtain more food and supplies. As an adventurer, she was a huntress skilled with dual swords. She battled like the wind, responding to her call. She was originally referred to as the Storm of the Twin Blades.

Now the following two are twins and must be discussed together. That'll be Ichabod and Breack Iron. These two also served as Chain Links throughout the Kingdom. These two were the architects and creators of Muse City and the mounting depth in which we live. After the city was created, they began working on the setup of education to train the next generation of both magic and architects. Begin by setting up the current educational system. During their adventure days, they were near to being wizards, or masters of transmutation. They used their magic to control the ground beneath the adversaries' feet.

Yuki Mannor last of the hero party and became a Chain Link. She was a master of commerce and trade. She was the one who initiated, formed a trade guild, and established trade routes and partnerships with various kingdoms and enterprises. Even design a 200-year plan for Harmony's economic development. During her adventures, she was known as The Alchemist of Silver. That's because she saw her skills as a chance to earn money by using them at the party as an example and selling them to others. Her ability in the chemical industry was only second to her aptitude in economics. In some of his stories, Hearthstone even claimed that without her, the party would have gone bankrupt.

This is the legendary founder of Harmony, but there is one more person we should mention who was not there part of the party but took the final seat on the chain links. That is Lady Mako Futo. She was a noble lady and the sole survivor of her family. She was also a resident of the Kingdom of Ligbrezz which was destroyed in the war. Because of her collaboration with the others in providing the rest of the Guild systems, the government was able to establish most of what the others desired. Without her, the ability to wield power and influence that brought harmony fast stabilization, and efficiency would have taken much longer.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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