Healing Melody

Healing Melody is a natural disaster organization that assists in the aftermath of a natural disaster or monster calamity. They collaborate with all Guilds to provide and arrange assistance relief. Such as reconstruction, food, identifying, and other potential knees at this time. They also assist those who have recently migrated to Harmony in finding work, home, and establishing residency. They are very well connected with their gills, so they can take you in the correct direction and guide you on your journey to discover your new home.

Public Agenda

Their agenda item is in the aftermath of a natural disaster or a catastrophic event. They tend to take charge and organize everything. That includes assisting in the organization of individuals to clean up after this disaster. After the medical professionals have finished treating people, even those who have lost their homes or require assistance of any kind. Will come to them and assist them or refer them to someone who can best provide them with the assistance they require. They will also help arrange the food kitchen and collaborate with the city's food banks, supermarkets, and restaurants. This helps because there is always a group to go to and know what going on and how to help.

This has been their top priority in the present era. However, it still has offices for persons who wish to become citizens and those looking for work. They assist these people in finding lodgings, and they work with the Merchant Guild and the Labor Guild to help them find jobs to get started.


This organization began as a group of volunteers. Around the period, the city was growing rapidly and the Kingdom was just getting started. At this point, everyone had a place to stay, but refugees continued to arrive. So they'd greet them and help them locate a place to stay and find work. This began because Shasa Luu and a few others expressed a desire to assist others who are still suffering. Thanks to that, it became easier to assist the newcomers in town.

When the Guild first began, they agreed to remain apart from it while working together. When they ultimately formed an organization to assist with both disasters and new citizens, they became one that worked within the government. As time passed, their support and networking became widespread and strong throughout the Kingdom. Harmony would not have been as strong or grew as quickly without this organization.

To provide a helping hand to all those need

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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