Immortal Black Dragon

A Clash of Lightning and Terror

  On the distant horizon, thunder rumbles like the heartbeat of the sky itself. You peer out of your window and see a massive dark cloud surging toward your city, its edges glowing with neon-green lightning that arcs through the sky like jagged fissures. No rain follows, only the threatening hum of electricity. The air feels heavy with impending doom.

  As the stormcloud swells above the city, the lightning begins to strike. Bolts crash into the tallest buildings, the spires of towers, and the very streets below. Flames rise from struck rooftops, and panic spreads as the guards rush to defend the city. Among the chaos, you look up, following the bolts, only to spot a terrifying silhouette—a colossal black dragon, its obsidian scales adorned with neon-green spikes that glow eerily within the storm. Electricity crackles around the beast as it swoops through the air, a living storm in itself.

  Suddenly, a volley of arrows from the city guards pierces the cloud. Several arrows embed themselves in the dragon's wings, causing it to roar in fury as it spirals downward. Its massive body collides with the earth, the impact shaking the ground and shattering part of the wall of your house. The storm collapses with the dragon, and green lightning strikes the ground with its fall, dispersing in all directions. As the energy dissipates, you feel a small but sharp electric shock on your skin. Your heart races, but you are otherwise unharmed. 

However, something is wrong. As you attempt to escape the destruction, your limbs seem to have lost all strength. Mana and vitality seem to slip away from you as if the dragon's mere presence saps your very life force. The guards charge in desperation, their blades glowing with spells, but the dragon's corrupt energy overwhelms them. Those closest to it collapse, fatigued or fried by the green lightning that lashes out unpredictably.   Amid the chaos, you witness a woman warrior charging the beast. Her sword glows with acid, dripping with potency as she leaps at the dragon. But the creature is just as fast. raising it giant clawes at her, as plunging your world into darkness and loss all your senses.


Lore of the Immortal Black Dragon

  The Masters—an enigmatic organization known for manipulating life and death—performed a powerful and tragic ritual that gave birth to the Immortal Black Dragon. Driven by vengeance, their necromancer leader captured and performed the dark ritual on an ancient and powerful creature of elemental fury, the Storm Dragon. This necromancer wanted to kill the dragon that killed his wife and curse it with the most twisted immortality.

The ritual bound the dragon's soul to an eternal cycle of pain. You can slay the creature, but it will never stay dead. Exactly seven days after death, a lightning bolt will strike the largest surviving chunk of the dragon's heart. The heart begins to regenerate, pulsating with corrupt energy that attracts every scattered molecule, bone, and fragment of its being, regardless of where they have ended up. The pieces, whether altered, destroyed, or dispersed, draw back to reform the dragon in its cursed, original form.

The reassembly process is excruciating. Every bone snaps back into place with agonizing force, muscles and ligaments reattach piece by piece, and organs regenerate. The dragon experiences each fragment of this torment fully, from darkness and blindness to a sudden flood of sensory input that overwhelms it with severe headaches and madness. Each cycle makes the dragon smarter and more cunning, yet the unending pain fuels an ever-deepening hatred and desire for vengeance.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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