Mana Storm Physical / Metaphysical Law in Elema | World Anvil

Mana Storm

Mana Storms are one of the deadliest disasters you could possibly face. They are stunning with the gold and silver wisps moving all around them. Take heed; while it may appear to be an outpouring of power, Mana Strom is exceedingly hazardous. The storm will give you more power, but your body will soon be unable to contain it. The mana will emerge in one way or another. Also, your spells became significantly stronger, to the point that you may potentially harm yourself simply by casting them. So, if you become caught in a Mana Storm, get out without using your abilities and seek professional assistance. If you can't, make sure you're out of the area and wait a few moments to expel as much Mana as possible. In that manner, your spells will not be supercharged.

What a Mana Strom dose
The air becomes oversaturated due to the high concentration of magic and method. To the point where you can see it. It always appears to be gold and silver wisps moving in a circle in various directions. When these storms occur, they have an impact on the biological life in the surrounding area and magic. It overpowers any spell used in the area. The same is true for magically enchanted goods, which overload the enchantment and cause it to be destroyed or fractured requiring repair. What happens to organic life can be broken down into plants, animal life forms, and monsters & sentient beings.
  • Plant life will experience two effects. The first consequence is that it will gradually weaken the leaves or petals will have a silver or gold tinge on the edge of the petals of the leaves as they begin to wither. As the whole plant becomes it gradually gets weaker and withers and eventually perishes. The other outcome is that their petals or leaves begin to glow and, the plant becomes stronger and healthier. When they are used in medication or potions, the effects are stronger than usual. Plants have a 70% chance of being strengthened, with a 30% danger of wilting and dying from the storm.
  • Animals have two options: the mana in their bodies will burn them from the inside out, resulting in a dried and roasted husk. The second possibility is that it boosts their magical strength while also improving their physical traits and talents. Some experts believe that this is how we gained some of the varied animal varieties we see today. They have a 50/50 chance of experiencing either of these two options.
  • Monster and Sentient Life, like everything else, has two possible outcomes. That is the amount that will overload their bodies to the point of explosion. In the short term, it increases the maximum amount of power, and inside the area, your power radical spells will be exceedingly powerful, to the point where if you cast a spell, you will be blown up. The second possibility thing is that your magic capacity has increased, and your spell production and talents will get supercharged. It may also increase your body's natural resistance to elemental magic you body natural resisted. There is an 80% probability that your body will explode, while there is only a 20% chance that it will boost your mana capacity and powers.


The first and most obvious clue that you are in Mana Storm is the presence of gold and silver wisp of light around the region. That is raw manna in the visible form. Is going around. The storm's radius varies based on the amount of Mana in the air, but it always takes the shape of a sphere. You'll notice a wisp of energy circling around the area, never leaving it, ultimately dissipating over time.


The storm can occur somewhere with a high density of Mana. In most situations, it is caused by a lay line, and if it Explosion , it may generate a storm in the nearby areas. This occurs more frequently with larger lay line sites and in areas where lay lines cross over each other. It takes time depending on the area and how quickly the Mana has accumulated there.

It could also occur where the greatest magic density is used. Wars, Magical Colleges, and any place where a lot of spells or magic are used are all examples of places a storm could happen. It occurs infrequently in large towns because the majority of magical items do not appear to emit that much Mana into the air. Most storms do not occur immediately following conflicts or when multiple spells are cast. Except for the fact that there is a lot of Mana in the area, no one knows what causes the storm to activate.
Metaphysical, Arcane

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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