Metaphysical Realm

The space that exists between the divine realm and material realms is known as the metaphysical realm. This Realm is full of all types of magical energy and realms.. The gods and goddesses reveal that there was only a realm existing between realms. A site of traveler their was nothghting but energy that did not that or want to take any from. Theories have been put out suggesting that it may have been like that way initially, connecting the divine realm and material worlds. These days, it appears to be impacted by dreams, faith, belief, and other haphazard things that occur between the two realms.

The metaphysical realm began to develop tiny realms inside of this occurrence. It is impossible to determine the number of rounds or what is in them. Nonetheless, there are a few really strong micro realms that are linked to both the spiritual and material worlds. These are the ones that we usually know about since they can either call upon someone on the material plane or gain access to individuals there in some way. Since it is the route of travel between the two realms, we infer that the divine Rome has some influence on it an it has inter act with it in some way, even though we are unsure of exactly how.

The realm that we are aware of begin with what may be the oldest ones for which we have records, and we believe that were most likely the first set. Is the Eight Realm that have slimlarty to the gods and goddesses and their realm. Take on each god or goddss element.  We believe that beoucse the eight element play and important in both Realm. That they were likely also some the most powerful. There are numerous additional realms out there, like Dream Realm, Fey Wilds, Hollow Realm, Neverworld, Isle of Apples, and many more. So the Metaphysical Realm is alway growing and changing.


The realm itself resembles a void but is filled with all kinds of magical energy. You'll either change or, worse, get killed in the sea of energy. So it would be quite foolish to be in the center of it all. Being a master of dimensions magic, Sierra Levidia made the decision to explore the metaphysical realm. When she came back, it had just been five seconds since she left, and her body had undergone numerous modifications. Her magical aura was also unrecognizable. We had to recruit a few wizards to read her thoughts because she was in a state of catatonic. They gave us access to the scriptures and allowed us to explore the metaphysical world. Certain places appear to be where the magic merged with itself. It is most likely the location of one of the realms. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged to visit the several micro worlds within it rather than the main realm.
Dimensional plane

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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